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Remove Dogpile.com: step-by-step guide

Open your browser and the first page you see is suddenly Dogpile.com, you have caught a so-called adware that you should remove. The browser plugin prevents you from changing the home page.

How to remove Dogpile.com

Dogpile.com is an adware that has infected your browser. While it is not a big threat in itself, Dogpile sets itself up as the homepage and usually as the default search engine as well, so your search queries are redirected. Since adware itself is usually not well protected, the unwanted plugin also poses a security risk that you could catch more dangerous malware.In order to remove Dogpile.com without leaving any residue, it is best to proceed as follows:
  1. Download Malwarebytes for free and install the tool.
  2. Start Malwarebytes and switch to "Scan" on the left.
  3. Close all open programs including the browser and start the scan. Malwarebytes should detect and remove Dogpile.com without any problems.

Manually delete

If Malwarebytes does not detect the adware, remove Dogpile.com manually.
  • Check if you can uninstall "Dogpile com System". Öffnen Sie dafür die Systemsteuerung, klicken Sie auf „Programme deinstallieren“ und suchen Sie die Malware in der Liste.
  • Danach öffnen Sie Ihren Browser und suchen in den Einstellungen nach dem Addon-Menü. Entfernen Sie Dogpile.com hier. Ist nichts zu finden, setzen Sie stattdessen Ihren Browser zurück.

By Arela

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