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What is Office 365 Personal Subscription? All info

If you need various Office programs for private use, then one of the numerous subscriptions that Microsoft has developed is a good choice. In addition to models for companies, there are also some for just one person. The Office 365 Personal is designed specifically for private users of Office programs.

What's behind Office 365 Personal Subscription

You can get Microsoft's programs as an Office 365 package. This comes in different versions and costs. Here, your choice depends on whether you want to use the applications alone or with others. In addition, there is a difference between subscription models that are intended for personal use and those that are specifically adapted for businesses. The Office 365 Personal subscription also offers many other benefits.
  1. The subscription is intended for one person only and for use at home.
  2. Included in the package are all Office premium applications. In addition, you get 1 TB of cloud storage in OneDrive to store your documents.
  3. You can book the subscription as an annual and a monthly model. For a year, the Office 365 Personal costs 69 euros. As a monthly subscription, on the other hand, you pay 7 euros per month.
  4. Depending on the model you choose, you have a different cancellation period. Für gewöhnlich läuft auch nach der Kündigung das Abo bis zum Ende des nächsten Abrechnungszeitraums.
  5. Die Verwaltung des Abos können Sie über die Microsoft-Office Webseite erledigen. Melden Sie sich hierfür mit Ihren Anmeldedaten an.

By Antoinetta Steenhard

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