Football Manager 2020: Which leagues are included?
Football is a global phenomenon and in Football Manager 2020 this is represented as realistically as possible. Our guide explains which leagues are included and what that means for your gaming experience.
Far from it? No problem: In FM 2020, the big, wide world is open to you.
In FM 2020, your journey can take you once around the entire globe - but only if you want it to.Football Manager 2020: Which leagues can you play?
Officially, Football Manager 2020 includes 116 playable leagues from 51 countries. That means a lot of choice for budding coaches:- In Germany, the first three leagues are included.
- In England, you can start even lower, as the Vanarama leagues are also included.
- Even in exotic soccer countries such as China, Mexico or South Africa, it goes down to the second league.