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Android 11: Programming an app - what to watch out for

If you want to develop apps for Android 11, you have to proceed in the same way as with previous Android versions. However, there are various changes especially in the privacy settings and the API offered.

How to program an Android 11 app

If you want to develop an app for Android 11, it is important to have the basic tools and knowledge. Keep in mind that, especially if this is your first project, you will need to dedicate a lot of time. Developing software can be time-consuming and very complex. Before you start, there are some tools you should get.
  1. First, you will need Android Studio. This is the development environment of Android. You can use it to program your app, debug your code, and access other useful features.
  2. You will also need knowledge of JAVA. Basic knowledge of algorithms and software paradigms are an advantage.
  3. Before you start, you also need a suitable JDK. Here OpenJDK offers itself, which you download from the appropriate website.
  4. Now that you have installed the necessary software, you can also begin with the planning of the app. This allows you to determine in advance which aspects are important to you and which functions the application should have. Mit Android 11 kommen zudem einige Erleichterungen für App-Entwickler dazu, wie beispielsweise eine einfachere Methode zur Datenverschiebung.
  5. Sobald Sie alle Vorbereitungen getroffen haben, können Sie damit beginnen, Ihre App zu entwickeln.

By Antipas

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