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Which iPads with Apple Pencil? These are available for selection

The Apple Pencil is already available in the second generation. Thereby, the two versions differ in handling, charging and also in the supported gestures. A big difference also lies in the compatible devices. Not all iPad models can be used with every Apple Pencil.

These iPads you can use with the Apple Pencil

There are now two generations of the Apple Pencil. While you could charge the first generation via a Lightning connector, this is only possible wirelessly with the latest generation. This is done via the magnetic strip on the side of the newer iPad Pro models. Regardless of which Apple Pencil you choose, it is important to pay attention to the compatibility of the pens with the corresponding iPad models.
  1. If you have chosen a second-generation Apple Pencil, then you can only use iPad Pros (2018) with 11-inch and 12.9-inch displays.
  2. In contrast, with a first-generation Apple Pencil, you can only use iPad models of the 6th generation with 9.7-inch displays. Also compatible are the 2019 iPad Air and iPad mini, and you can also use all older iPad Pro models.
  3. Both Apple Pencils support pressure and tilt detection. Die zweite Generation erlaubt zudem das Doppeltippen auf den Stift, um zwischen Funktionen einer App zu wechseln.
  4. Die erste Generation unterstützt keinerlei Gesten am Stift.

By Seadon Durnford

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