Magine TV: Costs and subscriptions at a glance
IPTV, i.e. television via the Internet line, is on the rise. The provider variety grows and there Magine TV belonged for a long time to the best-known names. Read how expensive the Magine TV offer was and what options were available to you.
Also in terms of price Magine TV knows quite convincing.
Magine TV: costs depended on the subscription variant
Please note: As of February 28, 2019 Magine TV has ceased operations and the business was taken over by Zattoo. As a customer of Magine TV, you had the choice between subscriptions in quite different price ranges:- Basic: For 6.99 euros per month, you get around 40 channels, the public channels even in HD.
- Premium: For 11.99 euros per month, you get over 70 channels, including specials such as the Sony Channel and CNN.
- Film & Series: This small package contains for 2.99 euros per month nine channels that are entirely focused on movies and series.
- Original English: Exclusively English broadcasts in the original sound for 3.99 euros per month.
- Sport & Action: This package for 2.99 euros per month is aimed primarily at men.
- Kids: Für 2,99 Euro monatlich erhalten auch Kinder eine geeignete Auswahl.
So war der Empfang von Magine TV möglich
Um Magine TV nutzen zu können, benötigten Sie lediglich einen internetfähigen Fernseher.- Wenn Sie einen Smart TV besitzen, empfangen Sie Magine TV ganz ohne zusätzliche Hardware.
- Wenn Sie keinen SmartTV besitzen, können Sie Ihren Fernseher mit Hardware wie dem Amazon Fire TV Stick internettauglich machen.