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Cancel Kividoo - this is how it works

The program of the video portal Kividoo contains exclusively series and movies for children. If your children no longer use the Kividoo offer, you can simply cancel your subscription to the video portal. You can find out which cancellation options you have and which deadlines apply here.

The most important facts about the video portal Kividoo

Kividoo is a German-language video portal that specializes in streaming series, movies and radio plays for children. If you have subscribed to Kividoo for 7.99 euros a month, your children can watch their favorite series and movies at any time. Kividoo is available on various devices such as PC, Mac, smartphone and Fire TV and supports an offline mode that makes it possible to watch videos even without an Internet connection.

How to cancel your subscription to Kividoo

If you are not satisfied with Kividoo's offer, if technical problems occur or if your children no longer use the video portal, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Be sure to include your customer number.
  1. If you have a standard subscription with Kividoo, its cancellation is always possible at the end of the current month.
  2. To submit the cancellation to the streaming service, simply send it by e-mail to "[email protected]" or by fax to 0521 / 305 30 199.
  3. Cancellation by phone is also possible under the number 0521 / 305 30 161.
  4. Do you prefer to cancel by mail, because you want to send a registered letter, for example, send the notice to the following address: kividoo Service Center, P.O. Box 10 17 28, 33517 Bielefeld.

By Sadoff

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