HOME > Smartphone > Mobile Phone Charges Slowly - These Are Possible Causes

Mobile phone charges slowly - these are possible causes

For unrestricted use of your cell phone, it must be charged regularly. Meanwhile, the process also succeeds via fast charging cables, with which the charging process is accelerated many times over. Should your cell phone nevertheless charge slowly, the battery does not have to be the direct problem.

That's why your cell phone charges slowly

The causes for your cell phone charging slowly are varied. Often they can be fixed quickly, because it is not the cell phone that is the problem. There are various aspects to consider.
  1. First, check whether the charging cable as well as the USB adapter are in order. If the charging works with a different cable, then the USB adapter is defective. The same is true if you use the cable with another adapter and a smooth charging process is given. In this case, the USB adapter should be replaced.
  2. Should you not use the original charger of your phone, then the cause may also be here, because not all cables and adapters are able to output the same current. Therefore, it is better to use the charging cable that came with your phone.
  3. Furthermore, it can also happen that dirt has accumulated in the port of your USB, which means that charging is limited. In diesem Fall sollten Sie diesen vorsichtig reinigen, damit die Kontakte wieder problemlos funktionieren können.
  4. Auch die Nutzung Ihres Handys während des Ladens kann zu einer Verlangsamung führen. Vermeiden Sie also Spiele oder andere Apps, um das Aufladen zu beschleunigen.
  5. Deinstallieren Sie auch stromfressende Apps, die kaum genutzt werden und im Hintergrund viel Strom ziehen.

By Lietman

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