Upgrading Linux Mint: How the process works
Linux Mint is one of the most popular Linux distributions, along with Ubuntu, and can usually be kept up-to-date fairly easily. Linux, unlike Windows, is updated less regularly, but gets a new version much more often and therefore often needs to be reinstalled.
Upgrading Linux Mint: How to proceed now
In the meantime, to upgrade Linux, you need a special tool, but you can download and install it very easily from the console.- Start the terminal on your Linux system and use the command [apt install mintupgrade]. First, however, check with the command [mintupgrade check] whether the requirements for the software are met on the computer.
- Also make sure that there is currently still at least 8 GB of space on your hard drive, otherwise the operating system can not be installed.
- If all preparations are successful, switch to the terminal again and download the latest version of Linux using the command [mintupgrade download].
- Then use the command [mintupgrade upgrade] to install the downloaded image.
Linux Mint upgrade: So klappt es auf früheren Versionen
- Erst seit ein paar Versionen sind Sie auf das Terminal zum Upgraden angewiesen.
- In früheren Versionen konnten Sie in die Aktualisierungsverwaltung wechseln und dort unter „Bearbeiten“ die Option „System aktualisieren auf …“ anwählen.
- Wenn Ihre Linux-Version noch vor Linux Mint 18 Sahra ist, können Sie diesen Weg zum Updaten nutzen.