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Discover YouTube trends: How to find rising content

On YouTube, so much new content is uploaded every hour that it's impossible to always keep track of it all. Thanks to the specially created trending category, you can still stay up to date.

Just one click: New YouTube trends can be targeted.

As the largest video platform in the world, YouTube is by no means short of fresh content. Some videos manage to stand out from the rest.

YouTube: Trends from all categories summarized

You can find the trending overview in the browser at the address youtube.com/feed/trending. It is a feed that summarizes content that is particularly in demand:
  • At the very top, you can filter from various categories such as "fashion" or "music."
  • Below that, you will see a long list of direct links to hot videos. The most important metric here is the number of views in a relatively short period of time.
This means you'll only find videos that have only recently been uploaded but have already had a lot of hits.In the mobile app, you'll find the overview in its own menu item: tap the "Trends" entry at the bottom of the bar right next to "Start".

By Tirrell

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