Instagram doubles down: Reels videos last 30 seconds

Instagram introduces three new features in Reels, its short video feature that challenges TikTok

About a month and a half after its official launch, Instagram is updating Reels, its short video platform alternative to TikTok. TikTok currently allows you to shoot and share 60-second videos.

The new feature, along with other minor ones, was announced by Instagram in a post on Twitter, but was not well received by users who have commented in a not very positive way the tweet. It would seem, in fact, that many Instagram users care little about Reels: there are many who wonder why Instagram has launched into this race against TikTok and has instead removed previous features that were appreciated. Tessa Lyons-Laing, Product Director di Reels, ha comuncue dichiarato che Instagram continua a “migliorare Reels in base ai feedback delle persone, e questi update rendono più semplice creare e modificare i reel. Siamo ancora all’inizio, vediamo un sacco di cose divertenti e creative“.

Instagram Reels: le novità

Le novità appena introdotte da Instagram in Reels sono tre. La prima è proprio il raddoppio della durata massima di ogni video, che ora sale a 30 secondi. La seconda riguarda il timer, che ora passa da tre secondi a dieci per dare più tempo agli utenti di prepararsi alla ripresa. La terza, infine, è la possibilità di tagliare o cancellare del tutto ogni clip.

Gli Instagrammer non amano Reels

La partenza di Reels, che è stato lanciato a inizio agosto, non è stata affatto in discesa: sin da subito gli utenti ne hanno criticato il design, ritenuto scomodo e poco intuitivo. Many users don't even believe there was a need for another TikTok clone, simply because Instagram is something else.

But it's the recent changes to the entire design of Instagram's app that have infuriated users the most: the removal of the Like tab in favor of the Shop tab and the removal of Explore in favor of Reels didn't please almost anyone.

Maybe Instagram should have made both features optional, without pushing them so far into the app at the expense of other buttons and features so beloved by Instagrammers. In the meantime, Instagram refuses to disclose how many users are actually active on Reels, which suggests that it's not that many.