Intel drones star at Super Bowl 2017 with Lady Gaga. Video

The most watched halftime show on the planet was made magical by the lights and choreography of the Intel quadrirotors that amazed everyone in attendance

The Super Bowl you know is one of the most anticipated events of the year. Even more anticipated, however, is the show between times. Those 13 minutes of intermission that are the most watched on the entire planet. The protagonists of this year, however, were some particular comprimarios, the drones designed for the choreographies and the shows by Intel.

On the eve of the awaited NFL final, many expected great provocations from Lady Gaga and her performance. Especially against the newly elected President Trump. Instead, the show went off smoothly without major twists and turns. To surprise were especially the "Shooting Star" the four-rotor drones of Intel. Basically they are drones equipped with LED lights. Obviously they can be programmed to fly in formation and change light according to certain moments of the show. At the beginning of the show, the drones turned the sky above Houston into a U.S. flag, and at the end they recreated first the Pepsi brand and then the Intel brand with lights.

Drones for choreography

Intel in the last period has been particularly engaged in the development of solutions for smart car and smart home, without forgetting the patents for laptops with curved screen. Now, however, the U.S. company could become a leader in a new sector: the choreographic drones. The ones used by Intel at the Super Bowl are not really drones for show but the company has been good at repurposing them and getting publicity. Given the amazing effect, it's not out of the question that they will be reused in other events, sports or otherwise, around the world. The real winners of the 2017 Super Bowl could be Intel's drones, while on the field Tom Brady performed yet another miracle, leading the Patriots to victory with an incredible comeback. And he became the winningest player in football history.