IOS 13, launch date and compatibility

The arrival of the iPhone 11 also coincides with the official launch of iOS 13. The latest version of the mobile operating system brings with it a lot of new features

Season rich for Apple fans: after the presentation, yesterday, of the new iPhone 11, the streaming service Apple TV+ and the gaming service Apple Arcade, next September 19 will be the turn of the new mobile operating system of apple: iOS 13.

Many of the innovations expected by users will become reality in iOS 13, such as Dark Mode and the update of some basic apps now too dated, while other innovations will be postponed to iOS 13.1, such as the ability for Siri to read messages received. Overall, though, iOS 13 will be a meaty and important update for Apple mobile device owners. It will be able to be installed on a large number of devices, basically all those put on sale by Apple in the last five years. Of course, the performance of the operating system will be higher on newer devices, but compatibility with devices now quite old is still guaranteed by the house of Cupertino.

Apple iOS 13: the most important news

With iOS 13 comes the Dark Mode, the dark mode so popular at the time that allows those who have an OLED screen to save a lot of battery. Some key apps for iPhone users will be updated in iOS 13: the Reminder app now has smart lists and is more integrated with Siri; Maps (now in the US, from 2020 in the rest of the world) will have a wider coverage, a new 3D mode and will offer optimized routes for pedestrians; the Photos app, thanks to artificial intelligence algorithms, will hide photos that are too similar, choose the best ones and highlight those most meaningful to the user, also offering more powerful tools for photo and video editing.

Migliorata la gestione della privacy, con Sign In With Apple che permette di accedere in modo privato ai siti Web e alle app invece di usare i classici profili social (con tutte le informazioni personali correlate). Le prestazioni di iOS 13 saranno migliori grazie a diverse ottimizzazioni: Apple afferma che le app si aprono due volte più velocemente. Sarà possibile, infine, abbinare due paia di AirPods allo stesso iPhone.

Apple iOS 13: dispositivi compatibili

Tutti gli utenti Apple con uno iPhone dalla versione 6S in poi potranno installare l’aggiornamento del sistema operativo. Ecco la lista completa dei device compatibili con iOS 13:

iPhone 11
iPhone 11 ProiPhone 11 Pro Max
iPhone XS
iPhone XS Max
iPhone XR
iPhone X
iPhone 8
iPhone 8 Plus
iPhone 7
iPhone 7 Plus
iPhone 6s
iPhone 6s Plus
iPhone SE