Khaby Lame is now second on TikTok: who beats him [CLASSIFICATION]

In one month Khaby Lame has added almost 20 million followers on the Chinese social, while his direct competitor just 2 million: who are the lords of TikTok and where will the Italian get.

It doesn't stop, and it doesn't look like it will stop anytime soon, the rise of the Italian influencer on the Chinese social network that now dominates the world: Khaby Lame has exceeded 100 million followers on TikTok, reaching the second position in the ranking of the people with the most followers on the platform.

An impressive and very fast rise, which confirms that TikTok is a place where it is possible to be successful in a very short time. Much less time than it takes on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube or any other platform. And this is perhaps the reason why, while influencers are making success on TikTok, TikTok itself is having a huge success among social media platforms. TikTok, lo ricordiamo, negli ultimi mesi è stata l’app più scaricata al mondo, persino più di Facebook. Ora sia TikTok che Khaby Lame si godono il successo, mentre qualcuno teme di perdere la prima posizione.

TikTok: la nuova classifica

Alla luce dei recenti, ottimi, risultati di Khaby Lame è cambiata la classifica dei top influencer di TikTok. In testa resta sempre lei: la ballerina americana Charli D’Amelio con i suoi 122 milioni di follower. Ecco tutte le prime dieci posizioni:

  1. Charli D’Amelio 122 mil.
  2. Khabane Lame 101 mil.
  3. Addison Rae 82,3 mil.
  4. Addison Rae 82,3 mil.
  5. Zach King 62,4 mil.
  6. Will Smith 58,9 mil.
  7. TikTok 55,5 mil.
  8. Spencer Polanco Knight 53,7 mil.
  9. Dixie D’Amelio 53,5 mil.
  10. Loren Gray 53,5 mil.

L’ascesa di Khaby Lame

Khaby Lame è quindi primo in Italia, primo in Europa e secondo al mondo.

The rate of growth of Khabane Lame (this is the real name of the boy from Turin born in Senegal) has been incredible: at the beginning of May Lame had "only" 34 million followers on TikTok, two weeks later he had already reached 50 million (and he landed on Instagram, where he has more followers than Mark Zuckerberg).

In early July, a month ago, Khaby Lame had 84 million followers on TikTok and now, not even halfway through August, he's up to 101 million. A progression that makes Charli D'Amelio, who at the beginning of July had 119 million followers and today has 122.

While the Italian collected almost twenty million fans, therefore, the American added just 2 million.