LinkedIn introduces reactions

Even LinkedIn is giving in to reactions. The social platform to find work inserts 5 reactions that, however, seem to be different from those of Facebook

Also LinkedIn, three years after Facebook, introduces reactions to posts shared by its users. Until now, it was possible to "react" only to updates related to the work position of users and, what's more, with an interface that was anything but elegant and comfortable, made up of icons containing text, so long that the user was forced to scroll left or right to find the one he preferred and, moreover, not localized in any language other than English.

The new reactions of LinkedIn, however, are 5 and all depicted with an emoticon: Like, Celebrate, Love, Insightful and Curious. The icons are, respectively, the classic thumbs up, two hands clapping, a heart, a light bulb and an emoticon that doesn't seem to understand what we're talking about. LinkedIn explains that these reactions, and their icons, have been chosen and selected through a thorough analysis of user conversations, so that they are actually useful and immediately understandable for users of the social dedicated to work.

LinkedIn Reactions Vs. Facebook Reactions

As explained by analyst Pierluca Santoro on Data Media Hub, moreover, these reactions "are actually different from those of Facebook, or other social, and appear well centered to allow people to express themselves in this way without distorting the peculiarities of the social platform". Piattaforma che è, e che deve restare, dedicata alla ricerca e all’offerta di lavoro nonostante il fatto che la stragrande maggioranza degli utenti abbia solo un profilo Basic gratuito e usi LinkedIn poco più che come un CV online. In passato, invece, LinkedIn aveva introdotto (o copiato da altri social, se preferite) altre funzionalità che lasciavano intendere una “deriva ludica” di questo social pur di tenere gli utenti sulla piattaforma. Ad esempio le Stories, introdotte a fine 2018 e, ancor di più, le Gif animate introdotte ufficialmente pochi giorni fa.

reaction.pngFonte foto: LinkedIn

How to use LinkedIn reactions

The new LinkedIn reactions will be available to everyone globally gradually, within the next few months, and can be used by holding down the already present Like: a pop up will open from which we can choose the reaction, and emoticon, most suitable to express our thoughts about that post. LinkedIn says it is waiting for comments and suggestions from its users, who are over 500 million worldwide. From the reaction of users to this new feature (and others recently introduced) we can get an idea of where this social wants to go in the coming years and how it wants to go there.