Lottomatica, site not reachable, what’s happening

The site of Lottomatica is not reachable since 13:00 on October 19. Users are unable to access their profile and use the online games

In these hours we have received many reports that the site of Lottomatica is not reachable: users can not access the portal and even their personal account. You can not make bets, play online, at the casino and even at the poker tables. The first reports arrived around 13:00 on 19 October and the problem does not seem to have been solved yet.

Also on the site, a portal that collects complaints from users when a site, an app or a service is down, there are hundreds of reports that the Lottomatica site is not working. For the moment the reasons for these problems are not known, but it seems to be quite serious. The site is not reachable in any way: the causes could be different, such as inefficiencies in the servers that manage the site. We will continue to follow the story and we will update you in the next hours.

Why the site of Lottomatica is not reachable

The causes that have made the site of Lottomatica inaccessible are not known. But the portal dedicated to betting and online games is not the only one that is not reachable at the moment: all the sites of the Italian company are down. Even those dedicated to the world of lotto and the corporate one dedicated to the company. The cause of the inefficiency could be the servers, or infrastructural problems. For the moment there are no official communications from the company. In the next hours we will surely know more.

Update at 17:00. The Lottomatica site is reachable again, even if very slow in loading pages.