Moment, the cover that charges your iPhone and takes photos. How it works

A U.S. startup has created Moment, a cover that allows you to take quality photos and charge your iPhone 7 at the same time

We think about the perfect cover for our iPhone. The first aspect to consider is protection. Then the ergonomics and design. In addition it is better to both a battery case so that we also charge the smartphone and then lenses for perfect photos. Basically we have described the new Moment cover.

For those who don't know Moment is a startup focused on creating lenses and solutions for mobile photography. The company has launched a new cover on Kickstarter designed exclusively for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Obviously, photography is put at the forefront and with the cover comes an 18mm wide-angle lens. There are several versions of the cover, in the complete one is also included the battery pack so that if we insert the cover our Apple smartphone starts charging. This is an additional battery of 2,500mAh for the iPhone 7 and 3,500mAh for the iPhone 7 Plus

Materials and features of Moment

(Taken from Kickstarter)

The cover with the battery pack is made with a mixture of platica and rubber while the simple cover is made of wood (as you can see in the photo gallery above). The first one has a price of 79 (about 75 euros) dollars while the second one of 25. Moment lenses are very easy to apply to the iPhone and are very stable once fixed. The quality of the shots is guaranteed. Currently, to use the other lenses created in the past by the startup will need to use an adapter on the cover. Ma presto Moment aggiornerà il disegno del suo teleobiettivo 60mm, della sua fisheye da 15mm e della macro da 18,5mm per permettere agli utenti di utilizzarle sulle nuove cover senza l’uso di adattatori. La startup ha iniziato a creare lenti per mobile nel 2014 con piccole soluzioni di qualità. Per iPhone 5 realizzò delle lenti che si applicavano con una piastra metallica e lo stesso lavoro lo ha fatto per iPhone 6 e 6 Plus, riuscendo però ad evitare l’uso di piastre per bloccare e fissare le lenti agli smartphone.

Prezzo e data di uscita

Moment è disponibile all’acquisto direttamente sulla piattaforma di crowdfounding Kickstarter. Sarà possible scegliere tra diverse soluzioni: con una spesa di 25 dollari sarà possibile acquistare la cover per l’obiettivo, mentre con 75 dollari si potrà comprare il battery case. Per chi vorrà acquistare sia la cover sia l’obiettivo realizzato dalla startup statunitense,sarà necessario sborsare almeno 159 dollari, poco più di 150 euro. Le spedizioni della cover Moment partiranno da maggio 2017.


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