Mulan: la storia della giovane guerriera arriva in streaming su Disney+

La famosa leggenda di origine cinese arriva in streaming sulla piattaforma Disney. Ecco la data di uscita, la trama e il cast


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Grande attesa per Mulan, la pellicola live-action esce il 4 dicembre sulla piattaforma di streaming Disney+. In tempo per anticipare il Natale e guardare un bel film insieme a tutta la famiglia. The feature film was already available on the platform, but only for those who had the Vip Access.

This is a special account, more expensive than the standard one, which allows you to watch some titles before everyone else. Now, however, the live-action will be available to all standard subscribers. The film has already been a huge success, thanks to the excellent direction signed by Niki Caro, who revisits the legend also treated by the other famous animated film signed by Disney and released in 1998. The feature film is based on the same ancient poem, entitled The Ballad of Mulan, which is one of the most famous Chinese folk tales also read in schools. It tells of the epic feats of a legendary Chinese warrior, a woman who, in order to protect her country and her family, defies conventions and the Law.

Mulan movie on Disney +: the plot

The plot begins when the Emperor of China decides that at least one man per family has the obligation to enlist and fight for the country in the Imperial Army. The goal is to defend China from invaders from the North.

The daughter of prominent Chinese warrior, Hua Mulan fears for the life of her father, who is too old and sick to go off to war. She decides to disguise herself as a man and take his place by enlisting under the name of Hua Jun. Mulan runs a great risk, because if she is discovered, she could be punished with death.

During the course of the film, she will face difficult challenges, but thanks to her strength of spirit, she will prove to be a valiant warrior. She will earn the respect of her family and the entire nation. Il film esalta quindi la ricchezza della cultura cinese, i valori dell’onore e del rispetto sia del dovere che degli anziani, oltre che celebrare la forza femminile.

Il cast di Mulan: ecco chi sono gli attori

La protagonista Mulan è interpretata dall’attrice Liu Yifei, che ha lavorato ad altri importanti progetti come Il Regno Proibito e Once Upon a Time. Nel cast troviamo anche altri importanti attori, tra cui:

  • Donnie Yen è il Comandante Tung
  • Jason Scott è Cheng Honghui
  • Gong Li è Xianniang
  • Jet Li è l’Imperatore

La regista Niki Caro ha invece diretto altri progetti in giro per il mondo: Chiamatemi Anna (serie tv del 2017), McFarland, La signora dello zoo di Varsavia, La ragazza delle Balene e tanti altri.

Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver, Elizabeth Martin & Lauren Hynek, on the other hand, took care of the screenplay.

In short, Mulan is really a great content, an opportunity to have fun, reflect and discover an important Chinese legend.

To watch the film just connect with a few clicks to the streaming platform Disney + from December 4, 2020, in time for Christmas. Content is reserved for subscribers and can be enjoyed from all enabled devices, from TV to smartphone.

Mulan is part of December's new releases on Disney +.