Musk on Clubhouse: “I put a chip in the brain of a monkey and it’s happy”

Elon Musk blesses Clubhouse sending 5,000 listeners in a room into a frenzy, among the topics bitcoin, Gamestop and neural implants.

On Clubhouse, the most talked about and coveted social network of the moment, almost everyone has spoken. Among the strongest voices of the entire chorus, however, is that of the CEO of Tesla, just to name one of his many roles, namely Elon Musk. Already in the circle of subscribers to the new platform, he held a speech on the future of technology "in front" of an audience of over 5 thousand subscribers.

Of course Musk has a trained eye in fact of new trends. He was one of the pioneers of online transactions with the PayPal payment service when many were still wary of the internet and the risks hidden on the net, he helped transform electric cars from niche vehicles to means of transport for many with Tesla and, when the Earth began to feel tight, he started his personal project to bring man on Mars. Definitely a giant step, considering all the difficulties included in an operation that has science fiction. And what better occasion to revisit these great steps for man - and humanity - directly on Clubhouse?

Elon Musk on Clubhouse: “Ho messo un chip in testa ad una scimmia"

Nella sua room di Clubhouse, invasa virtualmente da oltre 5000 utenti, Musk si è lanciato in una digressione sui temi a lui più cari, proprio come Space X, la missione su Marte, secondo il magnate sede della prossima civiltà indipendente da qui ai prossimi 5 anni e mezzo, e il progetto Neuralink, sottolineando come l’impianto neurale dall’impronta rivoluzionaria presentato durante lo scorso agosto sarà utilizzato per trattare pazienti con gravi lesioni cerebrali.

“Abbiamo una scimmia con un impianto wireless con minuscoli fili nel cranio, che può giocare ai videogiochi con la sua mente – ha detto Musk agli ascoltatori – L’impianto è invisibile e la scimmia è felice. Abbiamo le strutture per scimmie più belle del mondo. Vogliamo che giochino a Mind-Pong l’una con l’altra“.

L’imprenditore si è poi espresso sui Bitcoin e sulla criptovaluta Dogecoin, la quale ha visto una crescita del 900% in una manciata di ore dopo il recente blocco delle azioni di GameStop. E proprio il momento dedicato all’affaire GameStop è stato quello che maggiormente ha coinvolto il pubblico.

Incalzando a suon di domande Vlad Tenev, CEO di Robinhood presente nella stanza, Musk ha aiutato a fare chiarezza sulle motivazioni che hanno spinto a bloccare l’acquisto delle azioni della catena di negozi dedicati al gaming. According to Tenev, this was due to the platform's need to comply with the capital requirements of current regulations.

There was also a moment dedicated to cinema, in which Musk congratulated Christopher Nolan on Tenet, the latest film directed by the British director, which focuses on the race against time of a secret agent to stop the outbreak of World War III.

Elon Musk and his "blessing" to Clubhouse

The fact that Elon Musk has chosen Clubhouse as the virtual square for his speech/interview (given the investigated imprint taken by the event during the moment with what he called "Vlad the Impaler", joking on the name of the Robinhood leader), says a lot about the role that the social network is assuming.

Born only last year but with an estimated value of $100 million and over two million members, it is slowly gaining momentum despite a very simple structure based solely on voice communication. On the social network there are no photos, videos or other special effects: only meeting places where the protagonists are the speaker and his active audience, ready to intervene by asking questions and queries of various kinds.

A million members, therefore, who have on their side, at least in some cases, a great strength of will and a great spirit of initiative. In fact, the Clubhouse subscription, currently available only for iOS, is still by invitation only. Only members, in fact, can invite new members.

To get their hands on one of the coveted passes, skipping the waiting list made available by the social network, many users have launched themselves on the net in search of some shortcut. There is no shortage of daily attempts to buy and sell, on Reddit and Twitter in primis, with the ultimate aim of grabbing one of the coveted places among the lucky users.

Reserved places aside, with the results of his intervention Musk has helped to decree the success of the platform, making it in fact the place to be if you want to get closer to the names that count. Another blow scored by the most influential tycoon in circulation that, with his presence, has managed to earn - albeit unintentionally - even another company, thanks to the homonymy with the social network.

In fact, the announcement of his speech on Clubhouse was enough to make the quotations of Clubhouse Media Group, a health services company based in China that until recently was known as Tongji Healthcare group, skyrocket by 100% in just one day. Nothing to do, name aside, with its U.S. counterpart, which belongs to an unlisted company. Breaking the news was the financial-themed news service Ft Alphaville, which, at the conclusion of the communication, stressed the paradoxical nature of the situation: "it's all ridiculous out there."