Radiation danger, which smartphones are most harmful to health

Each phone has a SAR value that indicates the electromagnetic waves emitted that can be dangerous to health, here are the most polluting smartphones

Nowadays we spend most of our days with the smartphone in hand. In addition to damaging our eyesight, the excessive use of cell phones can expose our bodies to high levels of radiation with effects on our health that have yet to be proven.

The radiation emitted by smartphones is indicated by the SAR value. Each phone has its own SAR value, which indicates how much the device can expose our body to electromagnetic wave radiation. In the world of modern telephony, most smartphones have waves between 450 and 2100 MHz.The SAR value specifically indicates the energy absorbed by the human body when exposed to radio waves and is calculated in units of power per mass (W / kg). The main problem for manufacturers is that each country has its own maximum threshold for the SAR value of a smartphone. There is no unambiguous standard limit. In Europe the limit is 2 W / kg in a sample of 10 grams of human tissue. In the United States the value must be less than or equal to 1.6 W / kg.

Chinese smartphones

It is precisely because of a lack of universality in the maximum limit of SAR value of smartphones that over time the most "polluting" phones have often been considered the Chinese ones. In part this is true, although it must be said that over time the various manufacturers of mobile phones have improved their devices by lowering the SAR value of their smartphones to adapt to the U.S. and European limits. Ancora oggi i telefoni cellulari cinesi sono tra quelli con valore SAR più alto. Per esempio il Mi A1 di Xiaomi ha un valore SAR di 1,75 watt/Kg, che è molto vicino al massimo di 2 W/Kg imposto dall’Europa. Va detto comunque che non tutti i telefoni di Xiaomi hanno un alto valore di SAR. Il Mi A2, per citarne uno, ha SAR pari a 0,963 watt/kg e il Mi8 scende ancora a 0,7 W/Kg. Valori alti anche per OnePlus 5T con SAR di 1,68 W/Kg. E Huawei invece? Tra gli smartphone di questo produttore il più “radioattivo" è il Mate 9 (1,64 W/Kg). Va detto che Huawei nell’ultimo anno ha ridotto di molto il SAR dei suoi top di gamma, per esempio il P20 e il P20 Pro hanno valore di 0,75W/Kg. Stesso discorso anche per Honor, il digital brand di Huawei nell’ultimo anno visto il boom di vendite in Europa ha notevolmente abbassato il valore SAR come dimostra il valore di 0,79 W/Kg dell’Honor 10.

Tra gli smartphone con valore SAR peggiore di sempre troviamo molti Huawei e HTC. This is the top three most "polluting" cell phones in the world:

1) Huawei Mate 8 (1.94 watt/kg)
2) Huawei Mate S (1.94 watt/kg)
3) HTC One Max (1.86 watt/kg)

How radioactive are iPhones?

The new iPhones from Cupertino, iPhone Xs and iPhone Xs Max, have a SAR value of 0.99 Watt/Kg. Even Apple as well as other manufacturers in recent years has significantly reduced the SAR value. Suffice it to say that iPhone 7 had a SAR value of 1.38 W/kg. While the iPhone X of 2017 had as the top of the range of Cupertino this year a value of 0.99 W/Kg.

Samsung has significantly reduced the SAR value

Samsung, along with Google (0.66 W/Kg for its Pixel), is among the most virtuous manufacturers, in the sense that they make smartphones that emit few electromagnetic waves. The Galaxy J5 has SAR of 0.45 watts/kg, even better do the top of the range Galaxy s9 (0.369 watts/kg) and s9+ (0.294). But the record among South Korean manufacturers is for LG, the G7 has in fact SAR value of only 0.244 W / kg.

In any case to avoid prolonged exposure to electromagnetic waves the advice is to make calls with a headset or a bluetooth headset. The greater exposure in fact is had during the calls with device leaned to our ear. We also avoid to keep the smartphone close to us when we do not use it. For example, do not carry it in your pocket when you are out and about. Better to keep it in a bag or backpack. Finally, when we fall asleep we do not put the phone on the bedside table near our head or worse still under the pillow.