RiDE ER16, the scooter made in Italy that isn’t afraid of potholes

An Italian startup is trying to make its way in the market of electric scooters with a product that has ideal characteristics for our country

For a few months now, even in Italy there has been a boom in electric scooters that circulate on the streets. They are comfortable, ecological and allow us to move easily in urban traffic. But when we are on a scooter, especially if it is electric, we must be careful: potholes and bumps in the road can make us fall more often than we think.

The Italian start-up RiDE, active in the field of sustainable micro-mobility, has thought of the solution: the ER16 scooter, made in collaboration with Gboard, one of the Italian leaders in the production of these means for micro-mobility. RiDE ER16 is the first electric scooter entirely Made in Italy and focuses on safety: it is equipped with 16-inch wheels (on average, scooters in circulation have wheels of 8.5 inches), oversized platform and a powerful braking system. Last year RiDE inaugurated a hybrid bike sharing service in Parma based on the innovative "Riderbank", a removable battery that the user buys to unlock pedal assistance on shared bikes. The same battery is also mounted on the ER16 scooter.

RiDE ER16, technical features

Let's start with the portable battery RiDerbank 2.0: small size, weight of about 500 grams and full charging capacity in 3.5 hours. The 252 Wh accumulator should guarantee about 20 km of autonomy (manageable through 5 different driving modes). The brushless DC electric motor can be 250 or 500W depending on the model. RiDE ER16 può raggiungere i 25 km/h.

La pedana oversize (21 cm) e il doppio freno a disco, anteriore e posteriore, garantiscono sicurezza e stabilità. Le grandi ruote permettono di superare le diverse conformazioni del manto stradale, che siano buche, sanpietrini, pavè o sassi o terreni impervi. Il manubrio è pieghevole e ciò riduce notevolmente l’ingombro quando è richiuso.

RiDE ER16, prezzo base
Il modello ER16 nella versione base da 250W è disponibile in pre-ordine sullo store di RiDe a partire da €999. Il monopattino rientra nella nuova regolamentazione introdotta nel Codice della Strada e beneficia pertanto del Bonus Mobilità recentemente approvato dal Governo (il cosiddetto Bonus Bici 2020).

ER16 si può acquistare aderendo alla campagna di crowdfunding lanciata dall’azienda tramite la piattaforma 200Crowd, con consegne previste entro ottobre 2020. In order to get the Bike Bonus, one must keep the invoice and enter it into the online platform that the government will make available starting November 4.