Rumuki, the application that protects you from the hot revenge of the ex

Because of revenge porn are more and more women who attempt an extreme gesture: Rumuki promises to solve the problem

Social networks and instant messaging services have completely changed our lives, but not always for the better. Take for example revenge porn, or the publication of hot videos with their ex-girlfriend for the sole purpose of getting revenge for being left.

A cowardly attitude that in recent years is becoming more and more popular, especially favored by social networks and messaging services: the videos turn from group to group and in no time become viral. For the victim there is no way to stop the spread of the video if not to file a complaint to the Postal Police and go to court. Unfortunately in some cases, because of the shame, more than a few girls have tried to commit suicide. Un ragazzo che vive in Giappone ha deciso di mettere fine al revenge porn sviluppando Rumuki, un’applicazione che permette di criptare i propri video hot.

Come funziona Rumuki

revenge-pron.jpgFonte foto: Shutterstock

Premi sull’immagine per difendersi dal revenge porn

Non c’è nulla di illegale nel girare dei video hot con il proprio ragazzo, il problema sorge quando si decide di interrompere il rapporto e si diventa vittima di revenge porn. Sul momento non si pensa a cosa può accadere in futuro e si registra il video senza nessun timore. Ma per essere sicuri di non diventare delle vittime del revenge porn, da ora si può utilizzare Rumuki, un’applicazione che permette di criptare i propri filmati piccanti e che necessita di una doppia chiave per abilitare la visione. The video is saved on the iPhone of both people and without the permission of one of the two it is impossible to play the movie. Also, in case the relationship breaks up, you can decide to delete the video. At the moment Rumuki only works with videos, but in the future an update will be released for images as well.