Samsung, at risk the data of the users of the Smartcam HD Plus

A team of experts has managed to find a new flaw in the video monitoring system of the webcam produced by the South Korean company

The number of people who decide to connect their homes using some of the devices that the Internet of Things makes available is increasing. And the number of hacker attacks is also growing, as they manage to get hold of our data, exploiting the vulnerability of these hi-tech objects.

As happened in the new case discovered by and which still has as protagonist the Smartcam HD Plus produced by Samsung, known to the chronicles for having already been hit by hackers. Previously, in fact, hackers could take control of the South Korean company's smartcam by simply changing the administrator password. All without knowing the original security key. Ora dunque, secondo quanto afferma il sito internet, spunta un nuovo problema che mette a rischio la sicurezza del dispositivo IoT: gli hacker possono accedere alla Smartcam di Samsung.

La nuova vulnerabilità

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Dunque la webcam di Samsung è nuovamente finita sotto accusa. Il team di è riuscito a dimostrare infatti che è possibile prendere il controllo della Smartcam sfruttando ancora una volta una falla nel web server, nonostante l’azienda sudcoreana avesse rimosso l’interfaccia locale in seguito agli attacchi precedenti. Gli utenti infatti possono accedere al dispositivo tramite soltanto il Samsung SmartCloud. Ma il server è comunque rimasto online e un’altra vulnerabilità è stata scovata. In fact, showed that Samsung's HD Smartcam can be accessed remotely by inserting a malicious file as update firmware into the video monitoring system called iWatch.

It's not just the fault of IoT devices

(Taken from YouTube)

The new cybersecurity scare comes from a webcam again. Sometimes, however, it's not just the fault of IoT devices. In some cases, it's our laziness and superficiality that opens the door to hackers. We rely on default passwords, or we don't even bother to set a security key. As a result, our devices can be hacked with ease. Moreover, there is also the risk that they end up on Shodan, the search engine for insecure items.