Samsung takes the field for self-driving cars with Harman Kardon

The South Korean company also takes the field for self-driving cars and presents a new system that takes advantage of augmented reality

When Samsung bought Harman Kardon in November last year for over eight billion dollars many thought it was just a way to divert attention away from the Galaxy Note 7. Instead, at CES 2017 in Las Vegas, the true intentions of the South Korean company were revealed.

Samsung wants to become one of the leading companies in the field of self-driving cars and the purchase of Harman Kardon is the best possible choice. In fact, the U.S. company, in addition to producing great audio devices, is a leader in the connected car industry, producing most of the devices installed in smart cars. And at the International Technology Fair taking place in Las Vegas, Harman Kardon showed the first self-driving car prototype that leverages virtual and augmented reality to provide the best driving experience for people.

The collaboration with WayRay

(Taken from YouTube)

The system presented by Harman Kardon was built with the support of WayRay, a Swiss company that produces augmented reality displays dedicated to cars. Harman Kardon's expertise and the Swiss company's displays have resulted in a prototype that completely revolutionizes people's driving experience. The goal of the two companies is to provide maximum information to the driver through the screens inside the cabin to increase the safety of passengers. It will be possible to view information on speed, directions, car safety and any engine and brake problems. Inoltre, saranno visualizzati i punti di interesse che possono essere visitati nelle vicinanze.

Trasformare la propria auto in una smart car grazie agli ologrammi

Il sistema sviluppato da WayRay e da Harman Kardon prevede anche la possibilità di utilizzare degli ologrammi che possono essere installati su qualsiasi tipo di automobile. In questo modo sarà possibile trasformare la propria vecchia auto in una smart car e avere tutte le informazioni necessarie per guidare in sicurezza.

Al momento il sistema studiato dalle due aziende è il più avanzato per quanto riguarda le connected car, e il prossimo passo sarà quello di inserire la realtà aumentata all’interno delle auto a guida autonoma per un’esperienza di guida senza paragoni.

fiat.jpgFonte foto: FCA

Anche Fiat-Chrysler ha presentato la propria auto a guida autonoma al CES 2017. Hit the image to find out what it looks like