Sex/Life: will there be a second season?

Sex/Life was released in June and in a short time has become one of the most discussed and talked about TV series: let's find out if there will be a sequel and all the details

Sex/Life had in a short time a really unexpected success among the public, female and male, has been able to conquer the international charts of streaming platforms around the world. Now, after the first eight episodes and an ending that leaves room for different interpretations, one wonders if it will have a sequel.

The series starring Sarah Shahi and Mike Vogel was released on June 25 on the Netflix platform and was also liked in Italy. The intent of Sex/Life was to explore, with provocation, female sexuality. At the center of the story we have Billie, a wife and mother seemingly quiet, living in a small town in Connecticut. Billie's turbulent past resurfaces with memories and desires that reignite her simmering spirits. La protagonista terrà un diario su cui trascriverà i suoi pensieri su Brad, un suo flirt del passato che diverrà molto presente. Il marito leggerà le parole della donna che si troverà davanti ad bivio: continuare nel presente o riprendere il suo passato?

Trama e finale di Sex/Life

Billie, moglie e madre perfetta, vive in una cittadina del Connecticut. A un certo punto nella sua vita i ricordi e la nostalgia per il suo passato riemergono prepotenti. Prima di sposare Cooper e rinchiudersi nel tran tran della vita di famiglia e di coppia è stata una giovane ribelle di New York che affrontava, insieme alla migliore amica Sasha, interpretata da Margaret Odette, lavoro e sregolatezze. In particolare ripensa alle sue avventure sexy con Brad, e si ritrova a scrivere per questo un diario con voglie e passioni avute per il ragazzo. Si chiede come mai sia finita in quel matrimonio e abbia troncato quella situazione nel passato. Everything changes; life, marriage and sex, after the reading of the secret diary, by Cooper, played by Mike Vogel. Nothing can ever be the same again.

Showrunner's Statements

Billie loves her two children, but while the other parents are satisfied with their lives, she will realize that for her it is not so. She has a part that resurfaces and dominates her. A part that can no longer be repressed, but only listened to. That's why Billie, in the season finale chooses to run to her former flame. It is not known what is the continuation of this choice. What fans are wondering, in the hope of a second season and if it will start right here, to see the evolution and change of life of the woman who has found a part of herself. Sex/Life showrunner, Stacy Rukeyser, adds how important the message is that must come through directly: partners must learn, and never neglect, who they have at their side, celebrating and appreciating them every day. Billie is tired of her marriage, of her husband, and as she runs to the ex we all experience a kind of liberation.

We don't know what will happen next, what Brad's response to this return might be, says the series showrunner, but that's probably what everyone wants to find out in Sex/Life 2.