Stranger Things 4: the news about episodes and release date

The fourth season of Stranger Things is about to arrive on Netflix: the platform has revealed the episode titles and the release period. Here are the details

On November 6, Stranger Things Day was celebrated, the annual event dedicated to all fans of the TV series. During the day were revealed to the public many news about the new season, expected on Netflix for more than a year. On this occasion, it was also announced the release period and, as per tradition, the titles of the upcoming episodes.

At the center of Stranger Things 4 will be the new lives of the protagonists. The Byers family has moved out of Hawkins along with Eleven, partly due to the disappearance of Jim Hopper. The police chief was apparently dead in season three, but a teaser released by Netflix in 2020 showed him alive and well, but a prisoner in Russia. His future will be revealed in season four. Ma questo non sarà certamente l’unico nodo da sciogliere. Infatti, i fratelli Duffer, creatori della serie tv, hanno in serbo tante sorprese per il pubblico, proprio come annunciato durante il Stranger Things Day.

Stranger Things 4: quando esce

L’uscita della quarta stagione di Stranger Things è prevista per l’estate 2022, come confermato durante la giornata dedicata alla serie tv. Le riprese sono state interrotte più volte a causa della pandemia, ma finalmente sono a un buon punto e i fan dovranno attendere ancora qualche mese. La data ufficiale di uscita verrà svelata nei prossimi mesi.

Stranger Things 4: titoli dei nuovi episodi

La nuova stagione sarà composta da nove episodi. Come di consueto, la piattaforma di streaming ha svelato i titoli:

  1. The Hellfire Club
  2. Vecna’s Curse
  3. The Monster and The Superhero
  4. Dear Billy
  5. The Nina Project
  6. The Dive
  7. The Massacre At Hawkins Lab
  8. Papa
  9. The Piggyback

I titoli danno alcuni indizi sulle nuove puntate. Per esempio, la penultima puntata si intitola Papa, ovvero il nome con cui Eleven chiamava Martin Brenner, il dottore che la strappò dalle braccia della madre per esplorare la sua mente.

Nel frattempo, la Famiglia Byers insieme a Undici si è trasferita in California, un luogo lontano da Hawkins, dove Will ed Eleven hanno iniziato a frequentare una nuova scuola, lontani dagli storici amici. The girl sends letters to her Mike to tell him about her new life and tells him that she can't wait to see him on Spring Break, which is the spring break that is held in America and coincides with the closing of schools.

The Byers Family is preparing to return to Hawkins just for spring break. In fact, according to what Netflix revealed, the fourth season will take place right during Spring Break. This period, which should coincide with some rest and relaxation, will prove to be more eventful than expected. Something will shake again the lives of the protagonists. But to understand what will happen we have to wait for the new episodes.

In the meantime, on Netflix you can recover the first three seasons or watch many TV series similar to Stranger Things.