Super Cashback: cosa è cambiato nella classifica

Vincere il Super Cashback semestrale da 1.500 euro diventa sempre più difficile, ma non è colpa dei furbetti: ecco quanti acquisti validi bisogna fare ogni giorno.

Dopo la polemica sui cosiddetti “furbetti del Cashback“, cioè gli utenti del programma di rimborsi messo in piedi dal Governo che stanno trovando i modi più strani per accumulare centinaia di transazioni valide frazionando gli acquisti (accumulando anche moltissime critiche, che potrebbero portare a breve ad una modifica delle regole del Cashback), ora gli utenti “normali" iniziano a guardare con preoccupazione alla parte bassa della classifica.

L’utente comune, che non ha grandi possibilità di spesa e non ha intenzione di passare la notte al distributore di benzina per fare decine di microtransazioni per pochi euro di carburante, punta alla posizione 100.000. Between the first position and the one hundred thousandth, in fact, there is no difference and you still win the 1,500 euros per semester. But how many transactions are needed to win them? More than yesterday and, probably, less than tomorrow: the daily average of transactions needed to enter the club of 100,000 continues to rise.

Cashback ranking: how many transactions per day

Taking for granted only the official data provided by the app IO, which is by far the most used method to subscribe to the Cashback program and monitor your position in the ranking, it turns out that about 105.000 users are already in the range of 50-59 valid transactions.

This means, roughly, that today is virtually the winner of the Super Cashback who has made at least 60 transactions in 40 days. The daily average, then, is at least 1.5 transactions. To be sure, however, it is better to make even more.

Less than 5%

How many users are there today that fall into this range or are close to it? Very few: according to official data, only 236,000 people have made 50 or more transactions, or 3.8% of participants.

Of these, as a rule, more than half are outside the last useful position to win the €1,500 in July. If this trend consolidates in the coming weeks, it is likely that the average number of transactions will rise to 2 or more per day and the game will get tougher for the average Italian consumer.

To win the Super Cashback, on the other hand, a change of mindset is needed and it is necessary to digitize as many daily purchases as possible, following our guide to win the Super Cashback without being smart.