Super Cashback, la classifica è chiusa: chi avrà i 1500 euro

Cashback e Super Cashback volgono al termine: quante transazioni servono per poter ricevere il premio da 1500 euro e come verificare se hai vinto


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Il 30 giugno è arrivato e con la fine del mese anche quella del Super Cashback. La classifica "spizzichino" è chiara: per poter rientrare nei 100.000 utenti più attivi nei pagamenti digitali, bisogna aver eseguito almeno 740 transazioni tra il 1° gennaio e il 30 giugno 2021. They are the ones who will be entitled to the 1,500 euros of Super Cashback.

This is not just the end of the first half of the Cashback and Super Cashback program wanted by the Conte government, but the end of the initiative. According to the new government, the initiative created to encourage digital payments, with electronic cards and apps, has not reached its objectives and therefore has been cancelled. In the meantime, the Super Cashback participants are quivering: at midnight on June 30, the ranking of the 100,000 most active who will receive the prize was closed and by July 10 the final ranking will be available to know who will be entitled to the extra bonus. A ranking that could still change, with measures to reverse the microtransactions of a few cents of the "smart" who had tried to climb the rankings cheating.

Super Cashback, what is it and how it works

The initiative of Super Cashback is, or rather was, part of the Cashless Italy Plan wanted by the Conte government and associated with another initiative, that of Cashback. In the last six months, users have not only had the opportunity to accumulate a bonus of up to 150 euros on at least 50 electronic transactions made, but also to win an extra bonus of 1500 euros at the end of the semester in question, called Super Cashback.

The extra bonus is intended for the first 100,000 users in the ranking of the most active in digital payments, to be made with electronic payment cards or with apps. It is a ranking that takes into account the number of transactions carried out from January 1 to June 30, 2021.

If several participants are tied in the ranking, the prize will be awarded to the first to total the number of transactions required to enter the ranking.

Super Cashback and Spizzichino: the ranking

The question that has gripped all the participants in Super Cashback is: how many transactions must I make in order to win the extra bonus? The interest in the network has been so high that the ranking of Super Cashback has been renamed "Spizzichino", where it was possible to find out every day how many transactions were needed to hope to enter the top 100,000 most active users.

Considering that to date there are 8.9 million Italians who have joined the Cashback and 7.9 million who have valid transactions, it is easy to imagine how competitive it can be to enter the ranking. According to the estimates of some sites, such as the ranking of Spizzichino safe wifi, to hope to be among the first 100,000 of the list must have made at least 740 valid transactions on June 30, while on July 1 the bar is raised again: 747 transactions.

To be able to understand who won. however, we must wait for the publication of the official ranking, which is scheduled for next July 10, at the latest by July 15. Date in which the "smart" Super Cashback will see canceled the microtransactions that had allowed him to climb unfairly the ranking.
