Tablets at school improve children’s learning

A study in Northern Ireland has shown how the use of iPads can increase learning and improve interaction between pupils and teachers

The issue of children's use of electronic devices has always divided people. Some say young children should avoid using smartphones and tablets, while others say these devices can help in education. And now research from Northern Ireland could be a game changer.

A study by Stranmillis University College in Belfast looked at the link between children's increased learning potential and their use of electronic devices. In particular, in Northern Ireland they tested some iPads in relation to the study of mathematics. Given the positive results of the study, five schools in the district of Belfast have been equipped with Apple tablets to help children in their studies. The iPads will be used only in some lessons, say the project, and will serve to teachers to monitor the actual learning of pupils in real time.

iPads at school

The study was divided into several phases: the first analysis took into account the classes of pupils aged between 4 and 6 years. While in a second phase, the study focused on classes of 8-year-olds. "The introduction of digital technology has had a positive impact on the literacy development of pupils. - At the beginning of the study we expected totally different results, but the use of iPads has not isolated the pupils, it has actually increased their relationship with their teachers. The device acted as a bridge between the two parties, the teachers and the pupils, and helped both parties understand each other."

The School of the Future

The researcher assured that the goal is not to replace books and old school systems with technology. But to enable better learning by harnessing the potential of tablets and similar systems when integrated with the current educational model. This is yet another conquest for Apple, which in recent years has been focusing a lot on solutions dedicated to the world of school and training. So much so that the U.S. company has recently created an app designed ad hoc, such as Classroom. Not everyone took the news positively, however, and pointed out that children are more vulnerable when using these technological tools.