The 9 best technology gadgets for summer travel

To celebrate the summer season, we have gathered for you a selection of the best technology for the vacations, which in some cases could be very useful even for those who stay in town. From bluetooth speakers to underwater drones, passing through portable air conditioners, we have searched for the electronic gadgets (and not) that represent the best high tech solutions.

The portable air conditioner

To immediately give a touch of originality to our selection, we have chosen a portable air conditioner, actually two. The first one is made by Sony, it is sold together with a kind of undershirt, which contains a pocket where the personal air conditioner should be placed, so that it performs its cooling function properly.

A second model, smaller and less expensive, is made by less famous manufacturer, whose existence we discovered with the presentation of this product. Il secondo climatizzatore indossabile è più “basico” ma si usa in modo più semplice e anche senza vestiti: è sufficiente portarlo al collo,  come una collana, per godere dei suoi benefici.

Entrambi i prodotti funzionano sia con il caldo che con il freddo e possono generare un’escursione termica verso l’alto o verso il basso di ben 10° semplicemente premendo un pulsante.

climatizzatore-portatile-personale.jpgFonte foto: Sony

Il proiettore tascabile a batteria

Quante volte vi siete trovati in un albergo con un televisore grande come un francobollo, magari solo con i canali della televisione tradizionale, orfani delle vostre serie TV preferite?

Unfortunately there are some very interesting solutions, with all in all attractive costs, to have with you battery powered projectors, able to run several hours and draw from the infinite catalog of different streaming video services.

We, in particular, we suggest Anker Nebula, because it offers a very interesting price/quality ratio, but the products in circulation of this type are even hundreds.

The wireless and bluetooth speakers

Once upon a time there was the Bluetooth speaker, today to be really up to date you have to use connected speakers instead, capable of providing services related to virtual assistants, but also to play music that comes directly from the many audio streaming platforms.

When you're on vacation, there's also the issue of water and dust resistance, because all it takes is a moment of distraction to ruin the party with a bucket of water thrown in the direction of the speaker that brightens our days.

We found a solution for this purpose as well, thanks to two different solutions, one that also works with Wi-Fi, is from Sonos, the other that is even able to float and is proposed by JBL.

The submarine scooter

In all honesty, until now we have joked: if we can not count on a statuesque physique, but we still want to get noticed on the beach, and we have gadgets from the success assured, such as the submarine scooter, a product that exists in us for a few years but has never really collected a great success.

Esistono tantissimi modelli, con una grandissima escursione di prezzo, noi oggi vi segnaliamo quello che ci pare essere abbastanza equilibrato tra costo e prestazioni, volendo si può gestire anche con il proprio smartphone, rendendo il tutto ancora più divertente.

Il drone subacqueo

Forse è giunto il momento di alzare ulteriormente l’asticella, con un dispositivo che lascerà davvero tutti a bocca aperta, perché il drone subacqueo che vi presentiamo e rappresenta davvero un gadget unico che vi permetterà di esplorare i fondali marini e catturare immagini e video di altissima qualità in modo semplice e sicuro.

Però, dovendo rendere più alto il livello del gioco, purtroppo cresce anche il prezzo, perché l’oggetto che vi segnaliamo viene venduto a quasi 3000 €.

Forse vale la pena iscriversi in palestra e fare di tutto per tornare a giocarsela sul fisico statuario!


The inflatable t-shirt

If for your summer you thought of looking for some fun technological gadgets, but without ruining your bank account, we have a very interesting proposal, particularly useful, with a more affordable cost.

Here's a lot of technology, a lot of research, but no electronics are used.

We present an inflatable t-shirt, which works as a sunscreen to avoid getting toasted, especially in the first days of vacation, but also has a handy pump that allows you to inflate it and turn it into a life jacket, very useful when using windsurfing, but also for fans of the next object that we fished for your summer technology.

In this case the cost of this particular product is about 89 €.

The Electric SUP

The Stand Up Paddle, for many the SUP, for some years now has become one of the most fashionable objects on beaches around the world, it is used with a paddle while standing on the board that inflates using the same tools that are usually used for inflatable boats and mattresses.

For those who want something more sophisticated, there are Stand Up Paddle, or SUP, which inflate and deflate automatically, but the solution is really spectacular and that of the small rechargeable fin, thanks to which it will be possible to sail the seas without even touching the paddle.

In some cases you could even try to invoke the miracle, but we can not guarantee that the trick works. For this kind of products, prices range from a few hundred euros to around €2,000, just do a little internet search and you'll find dozens and dozens of products.

The motorized pool chair

As the best tradition teaches, we've left the best right at the bottom, because the latest tech gadget for the 2021 vacations that we recommend is an inflatable motorized pool chair.

It's purpose is to replace a mattress, offering a more comfortable seat, but adding small electric motors that can be operated with practical levers, which allow you to move around a pool, in order to fill your glass and be able to bother those present without even the effort of swimming.

This for us represents a triumph of laziness, in full compliance with the summer mood. Mettendo questa poltroncina gonfiabile da piscina nel bagagliaio dell’auto o in valigia, la vostra vacanza non potrà che essere un’esperienza indimenticabile.


L’unico limite che esiste quando si parla di tecnologia per l’estate riguarda la fantasia, perché i prodotti oggi disponibili sono probabilmente migliaia ed è impossibile riuscire a scovarli tutti.

Ciò che conta davvero è che la tecnologia entri nelle vostre vacanze per renderle migliori.

Luca Viscardi, Mr Gadget