The best Android apps to install on your smartphone

This is the most well-stocked online app store on the market: the Google Play Store is the king jammer in terms of the number of apps available (beating the App Store by a wide margin). The reason is very simple: Android users are many more than iOS users and it's easier for developers to make a success and earn some money.

The high number of apps, however, doesn't make the job easier for users who are very often undecided about which app to install. Whether it's gaming, productivity, weather or maps, there are at least a dozen apps for every genre, all of which are extremely good and have different functionalities. If you're not a big smartphone expert, you'll need to read up on the various features or rely on a guide to the best Android apps on the Google Play Store. Not always the application with the most positive reviews is the best, often the ideal solution hides in the middle of "the bush".

Best Android Instant Messaging Apps


Signal is certainly not the most popular application for exchanging messages (few Italian users use it), but it is certainly among the most secure. We are talking about Signal, an Android application that makes the security of the data exchanged by the user its main mantra. The spotlight was shone on one of the best instant messaging apps when Edward Snowden, the NSA computer scientist who became famous for Datagate, admitted on Twitter that he uses Signal every day. The app uses end-to-end encryption to ensure maximum privacy for users. The app is also open-source: any enthusiast can study the code and understand Signal's secrets. Sono diverse le funzionalità offerte dall’app: oltre ai messaggi, sarà possibile inviare foto, video e addirittura effettuare chiamate. Tutto senza alcuna possibilità che qualche pirata informatico riesca a intrufolarsi nel sistema e rubare i vostri dati. Infine, come in tutte le migliori applicazioni di messaggistica istantanea sarà possibile creare dei gruppi con i propri amici o compagni di scuola.

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WhatsApp Messenger

Non sempre l’applicazione più utilizzata è anche la migliore: ma nel caso di WhatsApp le due cose coincidono. Insieme a Signal è sicuramente la migliore applicazione Android per la messaggistica istantanea. Non è tanto per il miliardo di utenti che la utilizzano mensilmente, quanto per le funzionalità che offre alle persone. Da quando è stata lanciata, gli sviluppatori sono stati bravi a correggere i propri errori e a migliorare costantemente il prodotto. Per assicurare una maggior sicurezza ai propri utenti è stata introdotta la crittografia end-to-end, che permette all’applicazione di competere ad armi pari con i concorrenti più agguerriti. Inoltre, WhatsApp ha introdotto la possibilità di effettuare chiamate direttamente attraverso l’applicazione, sfruttando la linea dati e di inviare immagini animate in stile Snapchat, con l’aggiunta di emoji e scritte colorate. Nei prossimi aggiornamenti, invece, sarà inserita la funzione per effettuare videochiamate. Difficilmente sarà possibile chiamare WhatsApp ancora un’applicazione per inviare solamente messaggi.

I migliori browser per Android

Opera Mini

opera-mini.jpgFonte foto: Google Play Store

Opera Mini

Se il vostro piano tariffario non vi permette di navigare ventiquattro su ventiquattro, l’unica possibilità che vi rimane è installare Opera Mini, la versione mobile del browser già presente per personal computer. Opera Mini assicura prestazioni del 40% più veloci grazie alla funzione ad blocker integrata nel browser: in questo modo oltre a migliorare i processi dello smartphone si potranno risparmiare i dati del proprio piano tariffario. The application also offers useful features to simplify the use of the browser, such as the ability to add the websites you visit most often to your Opera Mini home page


Android users know it all too well: Chrome is the browser developed by Google and pre-installed in all smartphones running the green robot operating system. Chrome allows you to synchronize your tabs, list of favorite websites and bookmarks between the various devices you use (personal computer, tablet, smartphone) so that you always have the pages you visit most and the platforms you use at work. Besides, one of the browser's latest updates introduced a special feature that lets you save over 50% of the data normally consumed when opening a web page. In case you're busy at work, you'll also be able to use Chrome to perform voice searches by enabling your smartphone's microphone.

Best Android Apps for Productivity


To-do-list apps are a must-have for all those who "live in symbiosis" with their smartphones. Among the best Android apps for productivity there is definitely Any.DO that allows you to create to-do lists or very simply to jot down your commitments for the week. The tasks created can be shared with your children to improve family life and always be ready to intervene in case of need. Thanks to special gestures, it will be possible to access lists with a simple touch or delete completed lists just by shaking the smartphone. Any.DO also supports voice recording: just turn on the microphone and the application will start taking notes.

Inbox by Gmail

Much more than just an application to check or send emails: Inbox by Gmail allows you to keep track of every single aspect of your online life. Apart from specific features to quickly read your emails, you'll be able to check in flights and the shipping data of purchases made online. Besides, it will be possible to include reminders, so you'll be notified when there is an important appointment or dinner. In the Groups section it will be possible to find messages and emails with the same topic, so it will be easier to search. For those who are always in a hurry, Inbox by Gmail is definitely one of the most useful applications on the Google Play Store.

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Keeping track of your monthly expenses is not easy, especially if you are not a financial expert. Monefy is a money manager that allows users to note down all the purchases made and understand whether or not they go over budget. The operation is very simple: when you make a transaction, you'll just have to add the total expenditure within the application and specify what you bought. To understand how the money was spent during the month, Monefy also provides a pie chart with all the purchases divided by category and their "percentage weight" in the monthly budget. One of the best free apps for Android.

Best Android apps for editing photos

Adobe Photoshop Express

Adobe brings the experience accumulated in the field of personal computers also to mobile with the Photoshop Express app, among the best free apps for photo editing. The application lets you edit images according to your needs: you'll be able to crop, straighten, rotate and remove red eyes from any photo taken with your smartphone. If you aren't a great photo editing expert, a simple touch on the display will be enough to balance contrast and white exposure. Besides, just like on Instagram, you'll be able to apply effects to make your images unique. Adobe Photoshop Express supporta tutti i social network più importanti, dando la possibilità agli utenti di condividere le immagini con i propri amici in pochissimi secondi

Autodesk Pixlr

Molto più di una semplice applicazione per il foto editing. Autodesk Pixlr mette a disposizione degli utenti anche una community numerosa dove ricevere consigli su come migliorare le proprie immagini e imparare qualche trucco del mestiere. Grazie alle funzionalità di Autodesk Pixlr si potranno creare dei collage fotografici, dove scegliere sia le spaziature sia lo sfondo, applicare dei filtri particolari (effetto matita, bianco e nero) per dar vita a immagini da condividere immediatamente sui social network. Se, invece, si vorrà animare le proprie foto con scritte colorate, basterà scegliere il colore e il font e un batter d’occhio la propria immagine “prenderà vita”. Inoltre, l’applicazione offre tutta una serie di funzionalità dedicate al fotoediting “estremo”: aggiunta di ombre, sfocature, sovrapposizioni. Autodesk Pixlr è sicuramente una delle migliori applicazioni per modificare foto disponibile per gli utenti Android.

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Autodesk Pixlr

Migliori applicazioni fitness Android


Il miglior contatore di calorie per Android. MyFitnessPal è un’app fitness che permette di registrare quante calorie si consumano con l’attività fisica e quante ne sono presenti all’interno degli alimenti che mangiamo. L’applicazione ha un scanner che permette di analizzare il codice a barre dei prodotti del supermercato per sapere quante calorie contengono. MyFitnessPal supporta tutte le più famose applicazioni fitness così da poter condividere i dati raccolti durante gli allenamenti e analizzare le performance dell’utente. The app can also be used to lose weight: it won't give advice on miracle diets, but it will provide useful tips on proper diet and exercises to do during the week

Runtastic PRO

If you think Runtastic is an app that is only useful for running enthusiasts, you're sadly mistaken. Runtastic Pro offers features for all lovers of outdoor physical activity: runners, cyclists and walkers. The application keeps track of your route and provides you with any data about your performance: from your average speed, to the slope, to your heart rate (if you're also using a fitness tracker). Runtastic Pro also integrates a music player that allows you to listen to music while exercising.

Best Android Apps for e-books and news

Calibre Companion

Having your e-books with you at all times is possible thanks to Calibre Companion, the program's mobile application that is also available for personal computers. Thanks to the automatic synchronization, the user will have in his personal library all e-books purchased from various online e-commerce sites. With Calibre Companion, you can read your favorite books directly from your smartphone, so your train or bus journeys will never be the same again.


Of the news aggregators available for Android, Flipboard is definitely the most popular. It allows users to stay up to date with the latest news from around the world and Italy, with the ability to read only their favorite news categories. During registration it will be possible to choose which news to receive on the smartphone and which users to follow. Through the service of push notifications it alerts the user on the most relevant breaking news allowing users to be always informed by providing the articles of the most important newspapers and websites of the Bel Paese.

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Very useful application to save links to newspaper articles or in-depth analysis of the major international magazines. Pocket allows you to always have the images and videos of the moment at your fingertips, also thanks to the synchronization between your smartphone and your personal computer at home. When you have some free time, you can retrieve all the material saved on Pocket, read it directly within the application and share it with your friends on social networks.

The best Android applications to use when traveling


Application developed by Foursquare, Swarm is much less famous than the "mother app", but has some very interesting features. In fact, Swarm allows you to find out if any of your friends are nearby and if they feel like going out. You can contact them directly from the app and find out where they are. Also, you'll be able to check in to inform your friends which bar or pub you'll be going to that evening. With a very nice user interface, Swarm is the easiest way to find out where to go out in the evening with your friends.

Weather Underground

Before you go on a trip, it's impossible not to install a weather forecast application on your smartphone. The Google Play Store offers an endless variety of apps and installing the perfect one is not an easy task. Weather Underground is definitely one of the best choices a user can make: it offers weather forecasts based on the smartphone's GPS and also allows you to analyze interactive maps and receive a notification when a storm is about to break out. It also uses user reports to offer up-to-date minute-by-minute forecasts. Inoltre, nel caso in cui vi troviate aldilà dell’Oceano, c’è una funzione utilissima sugli Uragani che ne monitora il movimento e cerca di predirne l’impatto.

Le migliori applicazioni utility Android

SwiftKey Keyboard

Se state cercando una tastiera che vi semplifichi il lavoro, SwiftKey Keyboard è l’applicazione che fa per voi. Non solo predice il pensiero delle persone e suggerisce quali parole utilizzare, ma corregge automaticamente gli errori o i refusi dell’utente. Inoltre, sarà possibile “arricchire” il dizionario aggiungendo le parole con un semplice tocco sul display. L’applicazione supporta oltre 100 lingue e 80 temi differenti.


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It's not an easy application to use, but once you learn the tricks of the trade you won't be able to do without it. Tasker allows you to automate your Android smartphone: just create the command to execute, the time and day and the application will do it without any problem. The user will be able to choose from over 200 tasks already present in Tasker's database or create new ones according to his needs. Using your smartphone has never been so easy, fast and fun.

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