The best password managers to secure your data

Managing your account passwords is not a simple task, using a good password manager where you can record your access keys is the best choice

A password for Facebook, another for Twitter, an access key for Dropbox and for your email account. Every day we are "forced" to enter dozens and dozens of passwords to access the various services offered by the Net. But, unless you always use the same one, remembering them all is really difficult.

Unfortunately, there are programs that allow you to save the various access keys that you used during the registration phase: password managers. These softwares are one of the best tools on the market to protect our data from the attack of hackers and computer pirates. In fact, they let you diversify your password without fear of forgetting it. Many people use the same access key for all their accounts, which is not recommended because it makes the job easier for crackers who, by decrypting only one password, can freely access your personal data.

Which password manager to choose

Password managers are divided into three large families: those integrated into the browser, those online and those desktop-based. Each one has its own features and functionality, but not all of them offer the same level of protection. Let's start with browser-integrated password managers: Chrome and Firefox (but not only them) offer the possibility to save the access keys you use to access your email or social networks directly in an encrypted database inside your computer. In this way, every time you open the page of your email (or any other service for which you need an access key), the username and password field will already be filled in. Very convenient to use, the browser's built-in password manager is not so secure: some malware knows perfectly where to find the encrypted database and in a few minutes can get access to your accounts.

Online password managers, on the other hand, work in a slightly different way: the user can save as many access keys as he wants and they will be stored in the servers or cloud space of the company providing the service. Passwords are protected by a Master Password set by the user. Desktop-based password managers have a very similar operation: after installing the software on your personal computer you'll need to set a Master Password that will protect all access keys. Of the three different types of password managers, desktop-based password managers are probably the most secure: even if hackers take over your computer, they will still have to overcome the last hurdle, the Master Password.

Dashlane 4

(Taken from YouTube)

Probably the best password manager on the market. Dashlane 4 offers all the services that a user concerned about the security of his personal data is looking for in the market: 500 supported sites, two-step authentication to access the most important accounts, the possibility to make secure payments with the Dashlane Payments feature. But let's go in order: Dashlane 4 presents a totally renewed interface compared to the previous version, much easier to use and user-friendly. Support for more than 300 websites has been added, bringing the final number to 500: in practice, it is possible to save the password of the most visited portals by users every day. Moreover, you can "test" your passwords through the "Safety Level" service offered by Password Changer: if you are not satisfied with the result, you can ask Dashlane 4 for help and it will automatically generate a secure and hacker-proof access key. Besides, the program will warn you when you use the same password on two or more websites. The program supports seven languages (including Italian) and is available for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS platforms.

LastPass 4.0

It's a fair fight between LastPass 4.0 and Dashlane 4 for the throne of the best password manager. LastPass 4.0 has a much lower price than its more direct competitors ($12 for the Premium version) and many useful features to safeguard your data. The program's main feature is undoubtedly the possibility of setting up a very effective Master Password: if some hacker tried to sneak into the company's servers, it would be very difficult for him to get through the "security gate". Instead, in case you can't create a secure password LastPass 4.0 offers you the possibility to generate an access key directly within the application. To secure your accounts, LastPass 4.0 analyzes all the access keys you have saved and notifies you which ones have been used twice or more. Finally, in the free version, you can synchronize your passwords on the same type of device to have the ability to access your accounts from different computers and smartphones.


If you are looking for a free and reliable password manager, one of the choices is KeePass, open source software that allows users to save access keys not only for online services but also for other software installed on the personal computer. The passwords are not saved on a cloud space, but directly on a local database (if you want to share the access keys online you can do it through Google Drive or Dropbox). Il servizio non presenta molte funzionalità, ma grazie al suo essere open source, alcuni utenti hanno sviluppato dei plugin che permettono di arricchire il programma con altri servizi come ad esempio un tool per conoscere la sicurezza e robustezza della propria password.

Sticky Password

Sticky Password è un altro password manager all-in-one che offre molte funzionalità, tra cui la tecnologia AES-256 per crittografare le chiavi d’accesso e mettere al sicuro i nostri dati personali. Inoltre permette di sincronizzare le password tra tutti i device dell’utente in modo da poter entrare in qualsiasi momento nella propria mail o nel proprio account Facebook. Inoltre, il software analizza anche la sicurezza delle password e segnala quelle che sono state utilizzate più volte. Per la versione mobile, per sbloccare l’applicazione è possibile impostare il riconoscimento biometrico attraverso il sensore di impronte digitali: in questo modo nessuno potrà infiltrarsi nel vostro device per rubare le password.


1password.jpgFonte foto: Google Play Store


1Password è una potente applicazione che permette sia di gestire le chiavi d’accesso sia di creare nuove password sicure. Tutti i dati salvati possono essere condivisi attraverso i vari dispositivi utilizzati dalla persona e sincronizzati in modo da avere sempre a disposizione le password. The application also offers additional features: a keyboard that allows you to log in to services and apps in seconds, a browser that automatically fills in the username and password field and 1Password for Groups that shares passwords for online streaming services with your family.

RoboForm Everywhere 7

One of the most experienced programs behind it, RoboForm presents a very simple yet comprehensive password management software. Permette di avere sempre a disposizione le proprie password grazie alla possibilità di sincronizzare il software su device diversi e inoltre offre la possibilità di scaricare l’applicazione dal Google Play Store e dall’App Store e di utilizzarla gratuitamente.

Zoho Vault

Tra quelli presenti sul mercato, Zoho Vault è sicuramente uno dei password manager più economici: non offre moltissime funzionalità, ma se cercate un software semplice e senza troppi fronzoli può essere la scelta giusta. È possibile utilizzare l’autenticazione in due passaggi per effettuare l’accesso ai dati sensibili, inoltre, è compatibile con quasi tutti i browser e disponibile su tutte le piattaforme da Windows a iOS. Permette di condividere le password con i propri amici in modo semplice e sicuro, proteggendole dall’attacco di hacker e pirati informatici.

True Key by Intel Inside

true-key-youtube.jpgFonte foto: YouTube

True Key By Intel Security

Funzionalità molto interessanti quelle che offre True Key by Intel Inside: ad esempio sarà possibile effettuare il login d’accesso a Windows utilizzando il proprio viso o sarà possibile importare le password direttamente dal browser o da altri password manager. Inoltre, all’utente viene data la possibilità di resettare la Master Password nel caso in cui sia stata dimenticata o la si ritiene poco sicura ed efficace. Il programma è gratuito fino a un massimo di quindici credenziali salvate, superata la soglia sarà necessario pagare un abbonamento annuale di 19.99 dollari.

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