The best speed camera apps to download to your smartphone

There are many speed camera apps that warn those on the road of the presence of a speed detector: Google Maps, Waze, Radarbot and many others.

Speed limits in Italy over the years have become more stringent and the tolerance is increasingly low. For this reason, when you are traveling for work or about to leave for a vacation, you have to constantly pay attention to speed cameras, especially if you do not know well the road you are traveling and want to avoid receiving heavy fines at home.

For this reason, we wanted to put together an article advising you which are the best speed camera apps to install on your smartphone.

Best speed camera apps

Present on the Android and iOS stores, some of these apps directly use Google Maps, others take advantage of custom maps. Ciò che sicuramente accomuna queste app gratis è la semplicità di utilizzo e l’individuazione precisa di autovelox fissi e mobili.

Altri aspetti positivi di queste applicazioni riguardano l’aggiornamento continuo da parte degli utenti stessi e la ricezione di alert in tempo reale quando ci si avvicina a un sistema di rilevamento della velocità istantanea.


Una tra le app navigatore più utilizzate su Android, che rileva gratuitamente gli autovelox in tempo reale è Waze. Questo navigatore gratis e collaborativo, oltre al percorso desiderato, mostra sulla mappa la posizione degli autovelox fissi o quelli mobili segnalati in precedenza dagli utenti. Appena si raggiungono i 500 metri di distanza dal campo d’azione degli autovelox, Waze emette un segnale acustico. Altre caratteristiche apprezzate sono le seguenti:

  • la compatibilità con i sistemi Tutor e Vergilius;
  • la segnalazione di distributori di carburante economici;
  • ZTL;
  • incidenti;
  • calcolo in tempo reale della velocità media.

Se hai qualche dubbio su questa applicazione, per togliertelo possiamo solo dirti che Google ha di recente acquistato Waze per un miliardo di euro circa.

Autovelox Fissi e Mobili

Disponibile sugli store di Android e iOS, Autovelox Fissi e Mobili è un’applicazione che, come si può intendere dal nome stesso, riesce a visualizzare gli autovelox fissi, mobili ed anche le fotocamere presenti ai semafori di tutta Italia ed Europa.

Questo segnalatore di autovelox gratis fa utilizzo delle mappe di Google ed offre una navigazione con tachimetro ed avvisi in background. Il database ogni giorno viene aggiornato dagli utenti e puoi anche tu contribuire inviando segnalazioni immediate con un semplice tap. A very popular feature of this application is the "find car" function, which automatically detects where and when the vehicle has been parked so that you can find it more easily.


This free speed camera detector instantly alerts drivers to the presence of these devices, whether they are fixed, mobile, tunnel detectors, tutor stations, camera-controlled traffic lights and particularly risky spots. It also provides the user with real-time traffic alerts (even in the background) and a professional speedometer.

The speedometer, in particular, records and displays the different speed limits to follow along a route (current, maximum and average speed) and allows you to set your own limit. In addition, the speedometer allows you to manually set an audible warning, which is activated whenever the set speed limit is exceeded.

Radarbot, which is compatible with all GPS navigators and map apps, provides four display modes and allows you to view the distance to the nearest detector in real time with information about its location, direction and speed limit. The app allows you to activate the vibration mode for motorcyclists.

Google Maps

From 2019, finally speed cameras are also reported on Google Maps Italy, going to borrow a feature much appreciated on the apps we have just described, in particular Waze. To check for speed cameras along a route, you need to set a destination in the box at the top of Google Maps by tapping Directions.

Already before the turn-by-turn navigation system is activated and before you get the real-time information on the route to follow (Start button), icons related to the location of speed cameras are present on the map. Once the start button is pressed, the free speed camera navigator warns the driver when the vehicle starts approaching the speed detectors.

As with Waze, the information is no longer one-way: users are made to participate and can offer help to other drivers, moving on the same route, by pointing out where the speed cameras they have encountered on the road are. By tapping the Options button, Google Maps users can report the presence of mobile speed cameras: the information gathered in this way is then shared with other users of the app, in exactly the same way as Waze.