The dark web shrinks 85% after Anonymous attack

The hosting attacked by the hackers hosted about one-fifth of the dark web's internet traffic: it went from a total of 30,000 websites to just 4,400

The dark web is allegedly going backwards. According to data released by a study, the activities and services of the dark world have decreased by 85%. This unexpected decline was caused by the dismantling of Freedom Hosting II, one of the main hosting services of the dark web.

The dark web network service hosted, according to some data, a large portion of the internet traffic of the underworld. Underground world on which circulates illegal material of any kind. But what is the dark web? Mainly it is a sort of "alternative" market where everything is sold: weapons, drugs and even user data stolen by hackers. To give an example, a traffic of passwords, usernames and email addresses of Gmail and Yahoo! Another study, in addition to confirming this illegal buying and selling system, has also shed light on the average cost of stolen credentials: just $21 is needed.

From 30,000 to 4,000 websites

The dark web is shrinking anyway. And the reason would be, as seen, the closure of Freedom Hosting II, started when the hacker group Anonymous had compromised the hosting, revealing, among other contents, also some pedo-pornographic material. As a consequence, the dark web would have shrunk significantly. According to the report published by OnionScan, the total number of web services has decreased from 30.000 to 4.400 websites. Sulla piattaforma di hosting hackerata transitava, infatti, circa un quinto del traffico del dark web.

Sempre facendo affidamento all’indagine di OnionScan, i numeri dicono che sono rimasti solo 4,400 siti HTTP, 250 HTTPS, 100 protocolli email SMTP e una decina di FTP, protocolli che servono per il trasferimento di file. Un bel "dimagrimento" rispetto a qualche tempo fa, che si spera porti alla chiusura totale del dark web.

Come difendersi dagli attacchi hacker

Cliccando sui link che seguono, invece, potrete scoprire  suggerimenti, alcuni più tecnici altri più alla portata di tutti, riguardanti la sicurezza informatica e scoprire le tipologie di attacchi più comuni: dagli attacchi DDoS al phishing, passando per le botnet.

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