The House of Paper 5: previews of the most anticipated season finale

The start of Volume I is just a few days away and Alex Pina continues to amaze us by revealing previously unseen details.

This is it: The House of Paper, Volume I of the final season, starts on September 3. With only a few days left to wait, the creator of the highly popular series has unveiled new and unprecedented details about what will be the Dali gang's most epic finale yet. Alex Pina's statements continue to excite and intrigue fans.

Netflix prepares for the big paper house finale. Photos, posters of the characters of the fifth season and the video trailer and teaser that pave the way for the epilogue of the Spanish TV series, the most watched ever on the streaming platform. Soon the patience of millions of fans around the world will be satisfied by the first five episodes that will be made available on September three. Conosciamo tutto di questa serie, errori, le storie che hanno ispirato le menti dei creatori, abbiamo ripassato i migliori episodi di sempre: ora non ci rimane che capire se e come la banda dal volto coperto da Dalí ce la farà.

Le dichiarazioni di Alex Pina 

Ancora una volta stupiscono le dichiarazione del creatore della casa di carta che a pochi giorni dalla messa in onda dell’ultima stagione continuano a sorprendere. Tutti noi già sappiamo che i primi cinque episodi del nuovo capitolo della casa di carta saranno all’insegna dell’azione e che apriranno un finale di stagione incredibile e a tratti spaventoso. Sappiamo che entrerà in azione il nemico per eccellenza che la banda non aveva ancora incontrato: l’esercito.

La morte di Nairobi ha segnato tutti in modo indelebile e sarà proprio la sua mancanza a nutrire la resistenza di tutto il gruppo. La sua assenza illuminerà la rotta da seguire per tutta questa nuova stagione; così ha fatto capire Alex Pina. The Professor, under check, chained by Sierra, as we saw in the trailer released on August 2, will face a decisive confrontation with the police. The creator in this regard did not say more, no other details were leaked about the decisions of the group mind.

More previews of the house of paper 5

All the characters of the house of paper will have to fight to save their lives. Pina describes a real war scenario that awaits fans in the first few episodes of the finale. The guys are inside the Bank of Spain for 100 hours and promise to give life to a real narrative revolution, with no possibility of mistakes, no margins except those for survival. The approach will, as promised, be very aggressive and everyone will be cornered, taken to the limit, in the creation of a plan that does not exist.

The House of Paper, produced by Vancouver Media for Netflix, comes in two volumes consisting of five episodes each. Kicking off the first, more action-packed block on September 3, 2021. The second volume with the final episodes launches December 3 and will be more introspective and emotional: the characters will be at the center of the individual narratives. The second part promises to reconnect the viewer, after a sentimental journey, exactly to the starting point of the whole.