The Kissing Booth 3: trama e data di uscita

Tra pochi giorni, nel pieno delle vacanze estive, sarà disponibile il nuovo terzo capitolo della saga di The Kissing Booth tanto contestata dalla critica ma tanto amata dal pubblico di Netflix.

Arriva l’11 agosto il terzo capitolo di The Kissing Both, tornano Joey King, Jacob Elordi e Joel Courtney a deliziarci con un una nuova storia. Siamo nell’estate prima del college ed Elle dovrà prendere una decisione impegnativa.

The Kissing Booth è uscito sulla piattaforma Netflix nel 2018 ed è stato stroncato dalla critica. Ha ricevuto tante recensioni negative per via della trama che tratta temi stereotipati e misogini. Il pubblico però è stato di parere diverso. Secondo i dati di ascolto ufficiali di Netflix, The Kissing Booth è stato rivisto da uno spettatore su tre, ovvero il 30% in più del tasso normale di riattivazione di un film in streaming. The criticism did not stop the favor of the public that decreed its success for which Netflix then decided to produce the second and, coming on August 11, the third chapter of this saga.

The Kissing Booth 3 plot

The third chapter of the saga starts exactly where The Kissing Booth 2 ended: high school is over and now the time has come to choose what to do in the future, a bit like what happens to Sam from Atypical. Elle, played by Joey King, finds herself having to decide which college to enroll in: she's been accepted to both Berkley and Harvard. However, things get complicated. There are other choices to make. Will she have to decide whether to follow her best friend Lee, Joel Courtney, honoring the promise of a lifetime, to study at the university together, or move to the other side of the United States with her dream boyfriend, played by Jacob Elordi, Noah?

Elle, in order to make the best choice, decides to have some fun and calm her doubts and perplexities by going to the beach house with the Flynn brothers. She wants to spend a peaceful summer: games, serenity and lightheartedness before having to choose which direction to take. At some point during the vacation, the University of California admissions office gets in the way.

What will Elle decide?

The Kissing Booth 3: love or friendship?

One choice our protagonist makes: she will spend more time with her best friend. They have a list of things to do in the summer before college and they figure it's time to cross that list off. Obviously Noah won't take this decision well, which will crack their long-distance relationship a bit. But that's not all: there will also be the return of Marco to complicate the situation. An eternal indecision that between love and friendship, a difficult theme.

Elle is upset:, she doesn't know who and what to choose. She wants to please everyone forgetting to satisfy the most important need of all: to make herself happy. The summer before college is an important time. You go from being a teenager to taking your first steps into the adult world, with challenging decisions about how to live your life and your future. A few more days and we will discover the new adventure of The Kissing Booth 3 available on Netflix along with the other chapters of the saga.