The thing most hated by the actors of The House of Paper

Who would have thought that the very detail that made them so famous was one of the things most hated by the performers of The House of Paper? Let's find out why

Now everyone has seen Volume I of the fifth and final season of the house of paper and after the countless rumors and curiosities that we have dealt with in recent weeks, a new one has popped up. It seems in fact that the cast of the house of papel hates the red uniform that has brought so much luck to the series.

The success of the house of paper we know is planetary. Recently demonstrated by a collaboration for which the house will become the mission of a well-known video game, we ride the wave of success thinking about the creation of a new series. In the mind of Alex Pina, but also in that of Netflix there is the project of a spin off: probably a prequel focused on life, pre robberies with the gang of the beloved Tokyo. The house owes its success to a compelling plot, a great soundtrack and sensational twists, but that's not all. Two irrefutable symbols of the house need to be kept in mind: the Dali mask and the red jumpsuit.

The cast hates the red uniform

They are a feature of their success and an element of recognition, but, mind you, the red jumpsuits are hated by the house performers. Both the gang and the hostages have had to wear them for a long time, but now they are a bit tight for many. Ursula Corbero for example has always hated it, finding it uncomfortable since the first season. A symbol, which she never liked. She dreamed of comfortable clothes. Dello stesso parere anche Denver, Jaime Lorente.

Stoccolma racconta di come all’inizio come tutte le cose nuove l’abbia amata, soprattutto quando è diventata un membro della banda. Poi pian piano il fascino della divisa rossa si è dissolto: è tornato a essere un abito di scena sporco e sudato dopo le riprese. La Acebo ha però ammesso che una volta a casa, al termine delle riprese dell’ultima stagione ha pianto commossa indossandola per l’ultima volta.

Un ricordo che rimane

La divisa rossa per molti rimarrà comunque un ricordo importante. Manila, Belén Cuesta, terrà la tuta rossa e la custodirà gelosamente: le piace tenere quanto è legato ai suoi personaggi.

Rodrigo de la Serna, in arte Palermo, anche lui ha dichiarato di come custodirà "l’amata" uniforme che gli ricorda più di quattro anni d’intenso lavoro, risate e sacrifici. Ricordi personali e professionali si intrecciano nel rosso della divisa. During the declaration was present Lisbon, the actress Itzan Ituno who smiled ironically and to the question of the journalist who asked him how come he answered: "Palermo lies, he hated it like all of us."