The Walking Dead 11: who are the new characters

New characters join the big family of The Walking Dead for a season finale full of new faces and stories

The Walking Dead 11 is the final season of the series: the zombie saga created by Robert Kirkman ends. With the last 24 episodes, divided into two parts, the first scheduled for 2021 and the second in the first six months of 2022, The Walking Dead comes to an end. Until the very end, however, it surprises with intriguing characters and unpublished stories.

In this final epilogue we already know what awaits us: we expect the return of one of the most beloved characters Maggie Greene, who will still be played by Lauren Cohan. There are countless characters that have animated the stories of this zombie saga, arousing the most diverse reactions in the public and critics. The Walking Dead family has expanded over the past ten years. Nel 2013 è nato il videogioco ed è del 2015 il primo spin-off della serie madre: Fear the Walking Dead. A questa è seguita la trilogia dedicata allo sceriffo Rick Grimes e nel 2020 è uscito The Walking Dead: World Beyond il terzo e ultimo lavoro con gli zombie. Tanti i personaggi che ruotano attorno a questa serie di successo. Scopriamo i nuovi volti e storie del capitolo 11.

La leader del Commonwealth

Già dai primi episodi dell’undicesima stagione si capisce come il Commonwealth avrà un ruolo importante fino alla fine della serie. Questa comunità misteriosa, composta da sopravvissuti, è tecnologicamente avanzata, rispetto al mondo post apocalittico a cui siamo abituati con The Walking Dead. Ora che la minaccia dei Mietitori incombe sugli esuli e disperati dei Alexandria il Commonwealth è l’ultima speranza per salvarsi.

Al comando di questa misteriosa comunità c’è uno dei nuovi personaggi: Pamela Hilton. An intelligent woman, but also volatile and nervous who does not always govern her irascibility. She does, however, manage the Commonwealth's survivors and her army of armed soldiers with a good deal of reason.

As Pamela we have Laila Robins who has worked on both Homeland and The Boys.

Mercer the Army Chief

A new character, beloved and followed in the comics, is Mercer the Chief of the Commonwealth Army. He is the general of the army, splendid and authoritative in his distinctive red armor. A soldier with a strong, proud and experienced character played by Michael James Shaw.

Mercer in the course of these 24 episodes will establish a relationship with one of the main characters of The Walking Dead.

Another new character is played by Josh Hamilton will be the vain and proud accountant and administrator of the Commonwealth communities: Lance Hornsby.

The antagonist par excellence in this last season of The Walking Dead will be Sebastian.

According to the comics, the son of Pamela, the leader of the Commonwealth is a spoiled and exuberant boy who will become the enemy of all. He should be the antagonist to be confronted in this season finale of The Walking Dead.

The last season of the zombies is available on the Star channel of Disney+.