Trono di Spade: tutte le novità sugli spin-off

HBO è a lavoro su diversi spin-off de Il Trono di Spade, ma uno in particolare verrà rilasciato presto: parliamo di House of Dragon. Ecco i dettagli


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Il Trono di Spade è una delle serie tv cult degli ultimi anni, caratterizzata da otto stagioni andate in onda a partire dal 2011. Il finale, sofferto e molto discusso, ha avuto luogo nel 2019 e da quel momento il pubblico ha sentito un enorme vuoto. Ma niente paura, sono in arrivo diverse novità sugli spin-off della serie madre.

I nuovi titoli saranno prodotti sempre da HBO. News about new content related to Game of Thrones have been circulating for more than a year now, but the restrictions related to the pandemic certainly did not help the various productions. But now that the situation is returning to normal, we can make a summary of the situation. At the moment, the spin-off on which most work is being done is House of the Dragon. Production has begun in early 2021. In addition, there is pending series The Long Night that apparently will never see the light of day. But HBO, meanwhile, has announced four new projects. In total, there would be as many as five spin-offs of The Iron Throne.

Throne of Swords: upcoming spin-offs

HBO chief content officer Casey Bloys has updated Throne of Swords fans on the progress of the various spin-offs. The Long Night television series is one of the first projects to be talked about. One of the main rumors featured actress Naomi Watts in the lead role. Although a pilot episode was also filmed, HBO decided to stop the project altogether.

The production company recently talked about three different titles coming up: Flea Bottom, 9 Voyages and 10,000 Ships. These are joined by a Tales of Dunk & Egg animated series. Despite the numerous titles discussed in recent months, Bloys still stressed that, for now, the only one confirmed and moving forward is House of Dragon.

House of Dragon: what the spin-off is about

House of Dragon is highly anticipated and is expected to be released in 2022. The series is centered on the House Targaryen, to which Daenerys, the mother of dragons, belongs. It is set about 300 years before the events recounted in The Iron Throne and should cover a period of about 150 years.

The series follows the events of the novel Fire and Blood by George R. R. Martin, the author also plays the role of executive producer in the series.

According to the latest rumors, House of Dragon will be shot using the technology of virtual production, already exploited in the series The Mandalorian. It will be a spectacular series and full of twists and turns. We just have to wait for its arrival. Surely it will be broadcast on Sky and streaming on NOW, the same broadcaster that owns the rights to The Iron Throne.