Twitter for sale: ultimatum arrives but no one responds

Google and Disney have not commented on the possible acquisition of the social that has set October 27 as the last possible day for the sale

It took, and will take, more than 140 characters to write the word sold over Twitter. Yet the social seems intent on hitting the send button as soon as possible. The microblogging platform has put, in fact, a deadline to its buyers: next October 27.

The race to three. The purchase of Twitter more than a sale seems the launch of a hot potato. In turn all, or almost all, possible buyers have tried to get out of the way. The three main suspects in the acquisition of the social network are Google, and Disney. Each has its own interest in Twitter. For Salesforce, currently the leading candidate, the idea is to leverage the platform for a customer support service. Alphabet Inc., l’azienda a cui fa a capo Google, è interessata al potenziale informativo del social, mentre Disney userebbe Twitter per i video in streaming, creando nuovi canali per l’intrattenimento.

Perché nessuno vuole Twitter?

Le recenti dichiarazioni di disinteresse nei confronti di Twitter sia di Google che di Disney hanno un senso di mercato. Anche Apple, inizialmente inserita al tavolo della trattativa da diverse fonti, non ha espresso commenti positivi in merito. Gli acquirenti della piattaforma vogliono, infatti, giocare al ribasso. La situazione di Twitter nell’ultimo periodo d’altronde è tutto tranne che florida. E la crescita pari quasi allo zero degli utenti ha allontanato diversi investitori.


Twitter, quale futuro?

La divisione interna

Il futuro di Twitter non è chiaro nemmeno all’interno della stessa azienda di San Francisco. CEO Jack Dorsey has repeatedly defined himself as being against the sale. And on several occasions he has reiterated that Twitter should continue its path independently. Dorsey's confidence comes mainly from live streaming. He considers this moment of difficulty as temporary in the run-up of the social network to the creation of new channels for entertainment, sports and live news. It must be understood, however, if the company can afford the luxury of waiting. In the meantime, its shares, as well as its market value, continue to fall. And the words of one of Twitter's biggest investors, Chris Sacca, have not helped in this sense. Sacca has confirmed that he has sold some shares and has also pushed for the sale raising an interest of Facebook. According to Sacca, the social network could be interested in acquiring Twitter just to disadvantage the competition.