Using your smartphone before sleeping? Health at risk

Hands up who doesn't use their cell phone before falling asleep. Well, know that it is a habit that could cause serious problems to both the brain and the body

The problem, in fact, is not so much the use of the smartphone, tablet or computer itself, but the powerful light they emit. It is a light so strong that it allows us to use these devices even during a sunny day. It's no coincidence that the screen of these devices, at night, has been compared to a small illuminated window.

The body follows a natural cycle that allows you to stay awake and alert during the day and helps you rest at night. When you stare at one of these screens before sleeping, your brain goes haywire. The reason is simple: it mistakes it for the morning sun and stops producing melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep. The sleep/wake cycle begins to become irregular as if experiencing a sort of artificial jet lag. It becomes increasingly difficult to fall asleep and, in the long run, can cause chronic insomnia. In the best case scenario...

All the fault of that bright blue light

If the body no longer produces melatonin, in short, you're in serious trouble. Not getting enough sleep, or at least, as much as everyone's body and brain require, can lead to a buildup of neurotoxins that cause sleep disturbances all the way to chronic insomnia. Sleeping little and poorly makes you more distracted the next day and requires a huge effort to be able to find the right concentration when studying or working, not to mention that it also puts a strain on the memory that begins to lose steam. If this were not enough, the interruption of the natural sleep/wake due to the lack of melatonin production also causes another unwanted effect: it disrupts the hormones that control hunger, potentially increasing the risk of obesity. To which is also added a greater predisposition to depression. There is, then, according to some scientists, a link between low levels of melatonin and the onset of prostate and breast cancer, while others are studying whether there is a link between this "nefarious" blue light and the appearance of cataracts. It doesn't take much evidence to say that the light produced by various digital devices, by heating the retina, generally damages our eyesight over time. Is there anyone who still feels like using a smartphone, tablet or computer before falling asleep?