Vodafone triggers the remodulations: 2.99 euros more on some offers

Vodafone has announced new remodulations for fixed network offers: here's what changes and which offers

New round of "unilateral contractual remodulations" for Italian telephone operators: this time it's Vodafone's turn to raise the prices of its fixed network offers. Vodafone had already changed the prices for the fixed network during the summer and in September.

Since today, December 8, therefore, customers who had not been affected by the previous remodulations will pay more: 2.99 euros per month. Of course, starting from the first useful renewal, but the usual clause to terminate the contract or switch to another operator at no additional cost to the user has already expired, since the remodulation is unilateral. The remodulation, in fact, had been announced for some time: Vodafone had given notice of it in October, within the terms provided by the regulations in force, citing the reasons: "To continue to invest in the network to offer you always the highest quality of our services". The user could terminate the contract or switch to another operator at no additional cost until yesterday, December 7.

Rincari Vodafone: who will pay more

The latest unilateral remodulation of Vodafone concerns only fixed network customers who were not included in the previous remodulations of July 7, July 23, August 1, September 9 and September 16. In the late October communication, however, Vodafone does not specify exactly which offers will be remodeled starting today. It is assumed that all landline customers who activated an offer on or after February 17, 2019 are affected.