WeCroak, the app that reminds you that you’re going to die

With this app we'll receive five times a day, at completely random times, phrases like, "you're destined to die at any time"

Remember that you have to die. And, if like Troisi in "Non ci resta che piangere", you don't have anything to jot it down with, you can always resort to a specific app. WeCroak, for example, reminds us five times a day that we could die at any moment.

According to its developers, WeCrok aims to get people to meditate, take a moment for themselves, have fun and even try new experiences every day. Why? Because, precisely, every day on this world could be our last. In order to push us to do new things, the app randomly reminds us five times every twenty-four hours to get busy because we could die at any time and we won't be able to enjoy life anymore. A stimulus quite impactful and tempting to do something. With what phrases does this new app entice us? Simple, with "motivational" phrases such as: remember that you will die, or, only death is your certainty.

The app that reminds you that you have to die

One of the other things that are certain along with life in death is the profit for the developers of the WeCroak application. To install it on our smartphone or tablet in fact we will have to shell out 0.99 cents. What can we do with the app? Nothing, just receive phrases that remind us of the imminent death behind us. Browsing the program we can also read the various notifications we've received and see which one we liked the most and which one prompted us to act more strongly than others.

Imagine the scene: you're at home after a long day of work, your children ask you to go to the movies but you don't really want to, you just want to relax on the couch; right at that moment the phone rings, it's the app reminding us that "death is always around the corner". Maybe in the end we get convinced to spend a movie night, maybe. According to the developers, the app is centered around a Buddhist concept that considers that thinking about death in the long run leads to happiness. Of course, receiving the notification while we are eating yet another junk food or while we smoke the twentieth cigarette of the day must be a bit 'impactful, but if the developers of WeCroak say so, it must be true.