What are the CC and CCN fields of an email

Carbon copies and hidden carbon copies are two very useful features for sending group emails, here's how they work and how to use them

We all know how to send an email. It's a relatively simple task that we perform practically every day, at work or at home. Yet many of us don't know all the functions of an email inbox.

We can do more with an email address than just send a message. We must, for example, know the risk of links and attachments to be able to protect our computer security at best. To manage a group conversation instead we can use the CC or CCN functions that are present in the main email services. These two options allow us to send the same message to more than one person, leaving visible or hiding the email addresses of the selected recipients. Sending an email like this takes just a few clicks, it's an easy operation that even the least tech-savvy people can do.

Sending an email in CC

The CC function stands for email carbon copying. A fairly explanatory name that explains how it is an identical message sent to multiple people. Just as carbon sheets were used to copy the same text. In order to send a conversation to more than one person, all we need to do is to enter, in addition to the main recipient(s), some email addresses in the CC field, which is located just below the line dedicated to the main recipients of our email.

Send an email in CCN

If we want to keep hidden from the recipient the various email addresses "copied" in our message, we can use the CCN function, or blind carbon copying. In practice a hidden carbon copy. To send a message using the CCN option just write a new email and fill the CCN field in addition to the one dedicated to the main recipient. The line available for entering email addresses in CCN is located just above the Subject line.