What is it and how does the WPS button work

The WPS button usually found on the back of routers and other devices is used to connect the device to a secure WiFi network without a password.

Now you don't need long passwords to connect to the Internet, you just need three letters: WPS. It's a standard launched in January 2007 and serves to facilitate and speed up connections to wireless home networks. The WPS can be found on a button on the modem. In order to use a WPS connection, you must use a protected and encrypted network with the initials WPA or WPA2, while it does not work with an insecure WEP.

WPS: what is it and what is it for

Let's see in detail what the WPS is. WPS stands for Wi-Fi Protected Setup and is a feature that many of the new routers are equipped with that allows you to connect a computer or any other device to a secure wireless network. This is possible without using cables, thanks to the transmission of data via radio waves, which is activated simply by pressing a button, the WPS button. This means you no longer have to enter very long passwords to connect to a WiFi network.

The WPS button is usually located on the back of the modem and can be next to the power button or next to the LAN inputs. You won't have any difficulty locating it because it can be marked with the word WPS and a logo consisting of two arrows. The WPS button can be found not only on modems, but also on other devices, such as printers that you can quickly connect to.

Basically, the WPS button serves to establish a secure encrypted connection (WPA) quickly and easily with your home router or a WiFi network to which you have access. Depending on the type of device you want to use, the WPS button can be used in different ways.

How to use the WPS button

What are the different ways a WPS connection can be used? Usually with a normal wireless connection you have to choose the network you want to connect to and log in with the correct password. Of course, you can't connect to a network whose name or password you don't know. WPS simplifies things because you don't need to use a password to connect to WiFi. Pressing the WPS button activates the search for new devices. Poi, è sufficiente selezionare la rete dal PC o dallo smartphone che si sta utilizzando.

Per associare due dispositivi con il pulsante WPS ti basta premere il pulsante sul router fino a che non inizia a lampeggiare e fare lo stesso con il dispositivo che vuoi associare.

Come utilizzare il tasto WPS del Modem Telecom

Ora vediamo come puoi usare il tasto WPS del Modem Telecom per collegare router e PC tramite WiFi. Visto che occorre qualche passaggio in più rispetto al precedente procedimento, te lo spieghiamo punto per punto.

  • Premi il pulsante sul router per qualche secondo fino a che il led non inizia a lampeggiare.
  • Dal tuo PC clicca sull’icona della connessione WiFi che trovi nella barra in basso a destra dello schermo.
  • Seleziona la tua rete WiFi (il nome della rete lo trovi scritto sotto il modem) e clicca sul tasto Connetti.
  • Premi sul Modem il tasto WiFi che diventa verde e lampeggia. La connessione senza fili verrà configurata in automatico in pochi minuti. Terminata la configurazione il led del WiFi diventa verde.

Come usare la connessione WPS su Android e iPhone

Anche collegare uno smartphone Android con una connessione WPS alla rete WiFi è abbastanza semplice. Tieni presente che la procedura può cambiare a seconda del dispositivo che vuoi collegare. Ti basta andare alla voce Impostazioni del tuo smartphone, cliccare prima su WiFi e poi i tre puntini in alto a destra, quindi selezionare Avanzate. Vedrai apparire una schermata con diverse voci e dovrai cliccare il Pulsante di comando WPS. Vedrai comparire una nuova schermata con una barra di progresso e dovrai cliccare sul tasto WPS, prima che finisca il tempo di sincronizzazione. Collegamento effettuato! In this way, your smartphone can connect to the network immediately and without having to enter any password.

If you have an iPhone, you should know that in this case you cannot use the WPS button to quickly connect your iPhone to a WiFi connection. At the moment, in fact, you cannot use WPS on iPhones and iOS devices.

See, connecting devices to a WiFi network with WPS is not that difficult. With this system you can connect to a wireless network quickly and easily, and without having to type in long and complicated passwords.