WhatsApp, advanced search released: how it works

Advanced search has made its debut on WhatsApp, but only on the beta version. Here's what changes and what it's for

Among the many features on which WhatsApp has been working in the last period there is also advanced search. This is a project that started some time ago and that aims to make life easier for users when they are looking for an image or a document on the messaging app. The advanced search will replace the tool that was present on WhatsApp until now and that has always been criticized for its inefficiency.

The function, however, is not available for everyone, but only for Android users who are enrolled in the beta program and who have installed the app version or In addition, the release is taking place in a very slow way, to give way to users to send feedback on any errors and bugs. The good news, though, is that WhatsApp is finally releasing one of the many features it's been working on in the last period and that will change the app's face in the coming months. Here's what WhatsApp's advanced search is and what it's for.

How WhatsApp's advanced search works

An innovative tool that will make users' lives easier. This is roughly what WhatsApp's advanced search is for, the new tool that made its debut on the beta version for Android in recent days. The function replaces the search function present so far on WhatsApp and enhances it even more. What are the differences?

Logging into the app, when you press on the magnifying glass icon, labels will appear on the screen saying: Photos, Videos, Links, Gifs, Audio and Documents. Users will be able to choose one of the labels and perform a targeted search in order to go even deeper. This way, finding a particular document or image will be even easier.

Who can use WhatsApp's advanced search

The feature is only available to some users who have installed the beta version or of WhatsApp for Android. Activation, however, is server-side and is done directly by the app's developers to quickly get user feedback.