WhatsApp, how to recover messages, photos and videos

For quite some time now, WhatsApp has introduced the option to delete a message sent by mistake, how to do instead to recover deleted chats and media

When WhatsApp, in one of its many updates, included the option to delete a sent message users responded enthusiastically. It's a useful feature to delete messages sent by mistake, but what happens if we delete the wrong chat?

WhatsApp doesn't offer a service to be able to recover deleted messages, photos and videos from conversations. This means that every conversation we delete will be permanently deleted from the application.

Recovery WhatsApp Photos, Videos and Messages from Android Smartphone

Unfortunately, though, if we own an Android smartphone we can use a little "trick" to be able to recover deleted messages, photos or videos from WhatsApp.

You don't have to be a computer expert to get back our accidentally deleted media. All you have to do is download an application from the Google Play Store and follow the advice of these particular programs to avoid losing important chats and media.

Notisave: the app to recover deleted messages on WhatsApp

One of the best apps for Android smartphones to recover deleted messages from WhatsApp is Notisave.

This is a free service for saving notifications. Basically, Notisave just saves all the notifications we receive on our smartphones, from missed calls to SMS to unread WhatsApp messages.

When we receive a new message on the famous instant messaging app,

Notisave saves it automatically, so if we accidentally delete it we won't see it on WhatsApp anymore but we can always read it again from Notisave.

As you can imagine, this app doesn't only work for WhatsApp: thanks to its tools, we'll be able to recover notifications from any app installed on the device, including SMS, Facebook, Messenger and other social apps.

WhatsRemoved: the app to recover deleted media on WhatsApp

Notisave is useful for recovering deleted WhatsApp messages, but what if we've deleted a photo or video by mistake? In this case we can download WhatsRemoved from the Play Store.

As you can guess from the name, it is an app designed to recover everything we have deleted from WhatsApp.

How does it work? In a very similar way to Notisave. It basically saves every conversation you exchange on WhatsApp, including media, for easy recovery. So if you delete a photo or video from WhatsApp, you can always look at it again and save it back to your gallery thanks to WhatsRemoved.

Recovery WhatsApp Photos, Videos and Messages from IPhone

If your smartphone is an IPhone, you don't have to worry about deleted messages, photos and videos because there is a solution, and it's always a matter of downloading an app. Simple, isn't it?

EaseUS MobiSaver Free: the app that recovers deleted data from iOS devices

To download the free version of EaseUS MobiSaver you need to proceed via computer by going to the app's website and clicking on Free Download, then Download and proceed with the installation.

Once the installation is complete, connect your IPhone to the computer using the provided cable, launch the app and click on the Scan button next to the device name.

The contents of the device will be scanned. Then you can select one of the months under the Photos/Videos heading, tick off the photo you want to recover and click Recover.

It may happen that the restored file does not appear in the IPhone memory. In this case, just go back to the app's home screen and start scanning iTunes backups - Recover from iTunes backup - or Recover from iCloud backup to check your saved online backups.

This procedure just explained applies to Windows. For Mac, however, only the installation process changes but the operation remains the same. To install the EaseUS MobiSaver app on Mac, you need to open the dmg package downloaded from the program's website and drag it into the Applications folder of macOS.

In its free version, EaseUS MobiSaver has a rather important limitation, though, which is that it only allows you to recover one photo at a time. Se l’esigenza è quella di recuperare più immagini (o altri media) è necessario acquistare la versione Pro al costo di circa 60 euro.

E se le app di recupero dati non dovessero funzionare?

In questo caso, l’unica soluzione possibile è recuperare le foto e altri media WhatsApp ripristinando il backup di una versione precedente, sempre che questa sia antecedente alla data in cui sono stati cancellati i file che si desidera recuperare. Se hai fortuna, questo è quello che dovresti fare:

  • Avviare WhatsApp;
  • Andare in Impostazioni;
  • Selezionare Chat > Backup delle chat.

La data del backup è quella vicino alla voce Ultimo backup.

A questo punto:

  • Cancella WjatsApp dallo smartphone;
  • Scarica nuovamente l’applicazione e avviala seguendo la procedura di configurazione iniziale;
  • Verifica il numero e quando viene chiesto se si desidera ripristinare le chat dei backup precedente premi Accetta. 

Ora dovrebbe essere possibile vedere tutti i file che erano stati cancellati.