WhatsApp not working: November 30, 2017, what’s going on

WhatsApp down worldwide, causes unknown. The problem has been encountered since 19:30. On Twitter the hashtag #whatsappdown is trending topic

Whatsapp is down. Another time. The second in this month, after the blackout of November 3 that for over half an hour knocked out the instant messaging application. The first reports of the malfunction of WhatsApp began to arrive around 19:45 and in a short time the problem has spread around the world.

On the site downdetector.com are thousands of reports from users on the fact that WhatsApp does not work. From the map on the site you can see that the problems are spread a bit 'around the world, but most of the reports are concentrated in Europe, the east coast of the United States and Latin America. For the moment, WhatsApp staff has not released any message and the causes of the malfunction are unknown. Molto probabilmente sono già al lavoro per risolvere il problema nel più breve tempo possibile. In pochi minuti l’hashtag #whatsappdown è diventato trending topic su Twitter, con migliaia di utenti alla ricerca del motivo per cui i messaggi inviati sull’applicazione non ricevevano nessuna risposta.

Perché WhatsApp non funziona

whatsapp-non-funziona-1.jpgFonte foto: Redazione

La mappa di downdetector con le zone colpite da WhatsApp down

Quando WhatsApp non funziona i motivi possono essere diversi. Problemi ai server che gestiscono il flusso dei messaggi, aggiornamento dell’applicazione che entra in conflitto con qualche funzionalità e tantissimi altri motivi. Lo staff di WhatsApp è sempre molto riservato e al massimo mostra un messaggio in cui avvisa che sta lavorando per risolvere il problema. Solitamente nel giro di pochi minuti (al massimo un’0ra) l’applicazione torna nuovamente a funzionare. But in the meantime the news of WhatsApp down has already gone around the world.

WhatsApp down, what to do

While waiting for WhatsApp to work again, users can use other messaging applications. The first valid alternative to WhatsApp is certainly Facebook Messenger, which has the possibility to contact any person registered on the social network. If, instead, you re looking for something more similar to WhatsApp, you can use Telegram, an application developed by the Durov brothers and that owes its success to a WhatsApp malfunction that lasted several hours and that forced many users to move to the platform of the two Russian programmers to exchange messages.