Who is and what does the Business Data Analyst

The Business Data Analyst is an expert in analyzing and studying data from Internet of Things devices or market research

From Internet of Things to Big Data via information analysis systems. Nowadays, enterprises cannot do without working with data. These are fundamental assets to generate value over competitors. But which are the professional figures that deal with data in the company?

The specific figure that within an SME deals with the study, collection and management of data is the Business Data Analyst. According to a research carried out by TAG Innovation School, on a sample of 550 small and medium Italian companies, this specific professional figure is the second most sought after by companies. And this trend will be confirmed even in the next three years thanks to the definitive consecration of Industry 4.0 and its technologies, such as the already mentioned IoT objects and Big Data. At this point, the question arises: what specifically does a Business Data Analyst do?

The work of the Business Data Analyst

We don't have to imagine a scientist capable of analyzing an infinite amount of information. The Business Data Analyst is able to understand which data have value and which are not useful in the production processes of the company. In this way, it will be much easier for the SME not to get lost among a large amount of data and generate value from the data coming from various smart sensors and social media. In summary, the Business Data Analyst understands the origin of the data and any possible anomalies and knows how to interpret the data using statistical methods. For a Business Data Analyst, it is also essential to have excellent communication skills. Also because he/she will have to know how to communicate to all the various areas of the company the results and advice obtained from data analysis. At a remunerative level, the average salary is between 30,000 and 50,000 euros for a junior figure, but can reach up to 99,000 euros for a senior figure.

How to become a Business Data Analyst

Due to the importance of data analysis, Business Data Analysts are now working in almost every kind of company. Although the sectors with more demand are Information & Communication Technology, financial, healthcare and consulting. The professional figure of the Business Data Analyst is relatively recent and in order to specialize, specific courses have been created in Italian and foreign universities.