With Project xCloud you play Xbox titles with your smartphone

Microsoft announced the launch of the Project xCloud platform to play Xbox video games streaming on phones and tablets, here's how it works

A cloud platform to play streaming anywhere you are any Xbox video game. No, it's not a dream: it's called Project xCloud and it's the new service created by Microsoft for its video game platform, which allows users who are passionate about video games to play from their smartphones with Xbox games.

To make the xCloud service as performing as possible, Microsoft has decided to use its Azure platform. This is a powerful infrastructure composed of numerous data centers located around the world that allow you to natively run a title for Xbox and then stream it to a player regardless of the country from which he is connected. Thanks to this novelty, with Project xCloud, anyone will be able to play on a smartphone or tablet a game from the past or present history of Xbox. To play the game you can use the classic Xbox joypad with a special cable to connect to the screen of the phone or tablet, or rely on the touch controls that will be integrated into all games to adapt the streaming gameplay on smartphones.

Videogames from tablets and smartphones in streaming: here's Xbox's xCloud

Microsoft announced that from early 2019 will start the first phases of testing for Project xCloud to check bugs and incompatibility with streaming games. The first experiments and tests have already been made, without that there has been recorded any problem of graphics or slowdown of games such as to prevent a gamer to enjoy on smartphones and tablets as on a classic console. Microsoft has also declared to the various video game producers that they can join the project at any time with new versions of the titles adapted or rethought for phone playability or equal to the originals because as said with the joypad connection and touch controls there will be no problems for movements and actions on a title initially designed for consoles and then transferred in streaming to a smartphone.

Microsoft is not the only one to have thought of a platform for streaming games, several independent startups and Sony itself with PlayStation, are studying the way to transfer without problems console games on smartphones and tablets. The truth is that nowadays more and more users prefer to play with portable devices to their favorite titles because in this way optimize the downtime in breaks at work or during travel by public transport. At this point we have to ask ourselves what will be the future for game consoles: will they become more and more powerful, expensive and niche and will they give way to streaming video games on other platforms or will they remain the preferred means of gaming for users?